The Berlin Wall: A Symbol of Communism’s Division and Failure

<p>The Berlin Wall was a physical and philosophical obstacle that disconnected East Berlin and West Berlin for a seriously lengthy timespan from 13 August 1961 to 9 November 1989.&nbsp;Worked by the East German government, the wall held inhabitants back from crossing transparently starting with one side of the city and then onto the next, tending to a picture of division and the mistake of communism.</p> <p>The evident setting</p> <p>After the completion of The Subsequent Extraordinary Conflict, Germany was confined into four occupation zones, compelled by the four critical brought together powers: the US, the Soviet Affiliation, the Collected Domain, and France. Berlin, arranged in central Germany, was in like manner disengaged into four occupation zones.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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