Reflections on Berlin

<p>Berlin, the culminating city of our trip, was an amazing way to wrap up our course and travels. I felt that each city we visited and the lessons we got in each region built up to the moment where we arrived in Berlin to learn more about social sustainability in Germany. My favorite parts of this city were our walking tour and Bundestag visit and talk with politician Thomas Lutze. Berlin was overall a very emotional destination for me because I felt that there was so much tragic and complex history from World War II to the Cold War to reunification. It felt strange to be a tourist looking for a good time after our site visits and tours because I was constantly thinking about the psyche of the people and the city&rsquo;s deep history with death and division. I know that&rsquo;s not how the city and people want to be portrayed or remembered, and there is triumph and happiness despite historical events, but I couldn&rsquo;t help but mull over what life was like in Berlin during WWII and while the wall was up.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>