An American in Berlin

<p>As we settled into our benches at eastern Berlin&rsquo;s Prater Biergarten, two food stand huts sent bratwursts and drinks flying out as a line of customers grew. We huddled under red and white umbrellas at long, wooden tables as random drizzles of rain fell before the sun miraculously started gleaming over the crowd.</p> <p>&ldquo;Just another day at a German beer garden,&rdquo; I thought. Until a journalism classmate of mine said in astonishment, &ldquo;Oh my god, I forgot it was the Fourth of July.&rdquo; It wasn&rsquo;t the first time that day that one of us had said this, but it never failed to leave me reeling.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>