Case Study —Promoting Sustainable Mobility in Berlin

<p><em>Berlin is the dynamic and multicultural capital of Germany. Where especially commuting in a&nbsp;</em><strong><em>sustainable &amp; efficient&nbsp;</em></strong><em>way is a priority for its left-green dominated politics.</em></p> <p><em>Therefore helping to reduce the carbon footprint and increase the environmental friendly consciousness of the Berliners is the goal of the&nbsp;</em><strong><em>UX/UI case study</em></strong><em>&nbsp;of the Ironhack bootcamp &lsquo;23.</em></p> <h2>Introduction &mdash; Sustainable mobility in Berlin</h2> <p>Berlin is a multicultural and vibrant city where the citizens are using various different ways of transportations offering services on digital applications such as E-bikes, cabs, public transport or the trendy E-scooters.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>