Summer Set Ablaze in Climate-Conscious Berlin

<p><strong>KREUZBERG, Berlin</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; At the Berlinische Galerie on Alte Jakobstra&szlig;e, I rounded the corner to an exhibition room and was taken aback by a large, ape-like creature sprawled across the concrete floor in an installation that I can only term narrative art.</p> <p>The ape was coated in black, stringy fur that small worker figures were stripping from her back, leaving her torso a bloody mess. Her mouth hung wide open as wooden structures leaned up against her face with other small human figures trying to extract resources from her teeth. Some laborers had even gone to loot her private parts, loading her treasures into overflowing trucks. They were stripping her bare, capitalizing on her death, and destroying her corpse to feed their greed.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>