Me, Myself and Berlin

<p>I arrived here in the midst of a traumatic and healing journey, completely unaware of what would happen next. Winters were harsh. I wasn&rsquo;t sure if I would give up or if Berlin would give up on me. Everything appeared alien, new, and strange.</p> <p>Every day, I explored the city with a childlike curiosity. It never made me feel like a stranger. Gradually, the brick buildings, gentle snowflakes, fierce cold winds, and trees of Berlin became my companions. Berlin took away all my sadness and infused new energy and spirit into me. It didn&rsquo;t tell me what I was supposed to do or how I was supposed to live; it simply observed me from a distance, allowing me to live the way I liked.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Myself Berlin