Tag: writing

Earn $150 writing jokes using Chatgpt

Since the release of ChatGPT, the internet has been flooded with articles and videos on how to make money using AI or ChatGPT. Recently, I decided to try making money using ChatGPT myself, and I successfully earned my first $25. Just a few days ago, I received another $25 for writing funny jokes ...

Gaboogle: “Better Ai Writing — The Ultimate Guide for Using Ai Text Compression for Better Quality Output”

Unlock the Full Potential of Using AI as a Writing Tool to Optimize General Writing or AI Prompts: A Comprehensive Guide By carefully engineering chatGPT Ai Prompts, you can condense long, wordy content or other Ai Prompts into short, concise, impactful documents based on best practices of any do...

I Will Never Actively Use AI

I’ve been seeing too many AI-positive stories for my personal liking. I won’t lie, it pisses me off a bit. A lot of articles talk about is how “useful” and “helpful” AI is capable of being…that AI is a tool. Yet when someone posts an article that is...

6 Essential tech writing tools

Technical writers produce product documents. A better title for technical writers is Documentarians. Most technical writers work in engineering alongside developers, managers, and designers. Technical writing tools are similar to software developer tools. Technical writers that use the docs-as-code ...

Between the Two of Us

My dear, First, I have a choice to make: am I writing this for you or for us? And is this “us” the world, or is it…us? Am I writing this just so that I can feel close to you? Am I writing because I believe, presumptuously, that you want my words — at least, on occasion? O...

My Dead Simple Writing Routine That Has Helped Me Write Over 900 Articles (in 2 Hours a Day)

There’s no deciding, no weighing up the options, no dancing in between. It’s simple. I’ve been obsessed with this idea in every area of my life. I really hate making the same decisions over and over. My view: if I’m going to make the same decision over and over, I might...

When Life Gets in The Way of Writing

In recent days, I’ve been facing a tough situation that’s made it incredibly hard for me to focus on my writing. Life has a knack for throwing challenges when you least expect it, and I want to share my experience of what happens to writing when these challenges hit. Writing, for me, ...

Spiritual Writing Shouldn’t Be Boring

Not so many years ago, I thought of spiritual writing as — unfortunately — Boring. I wasn’t reading a lot of it, mainly because I thought it was mostly sermons by clergy members, and I had very little interest in that. Then, little by little, a new generation of bloggers on r...

You’ll Get These 10 Feelings When You’re With The Wrong Person

Life brings us many challenges, but perhaps one of the most challenging at all…is admitting that we’ve chosen the wrong partner. The implications of such are vast. It makes you question your own judgment. You’re worried about what other people will think. Are you supposed to go...

10 lessons from six months of writing online

I started publishing content six months ago. I am by no means an influencer — I typically post 2–3 times per week — but I have learned a few things along the way. My top 10 lessons from 6 months of writing online You just have to do it. There is no practice run, you j...

I Took a $7/Hour Freelance Writing Job. Here’s What I Learned.

Last year, I took a $7 per hour writing job from a company I’d never heard of, and that I found through a random post on social media. I ended up as a low-level ghostwriter and human content spinner, churning out blog posts on tight deadlines for way less than minimum wage. At first...

Hello Writing World — Here I am!

Hello fellows! I’m here finally. I read quite a lot about the platform and its members, and now I am one of you. I am putting in my introductory one today and will be looking to interact more and more with this great community. I want to present my ideas and experiences about life,...

I Took a $7/Hour Freelance Writing Job. Here’s What I Learned.

Last year, I took a $7 per hour writing job from a company I’d never heard of, and that I found through a random post on social media. I ended up as a low-level ghostwriter and human content spinner, churning out blog posts on tight deadlines for way less than minimum wage. At first...

Making a Living Writing — How I Designed This Life (Part 1 of 5)

This photo is from October 2020, when Mom and I went for a holiday and I told her ‘I want to quit the corporate world in 6 months’. Of course, she laughed it off thinking it’s just a phase. Imagine you’re in your mid-twenties, and nothing makes sense to you at work. Why ar...

The Secret Writing Style of C.a.t.s.

Ah, so you’ve decided to explore the feline realm or perhaps just wish to brush up on what it truly means to embody the spirit of a cat? Picture a poised feline, elegantly perched on a sunlit ledge, exuding an aura of mystery and allure. To the uninitiated, it might seem perplexing: “How...

If You Aren’t Able to Make Money Through Writing Then Do This

I read many comments on my articles that new writers are still having trouble making their first dollar on the internet. Or even if you are having trouble making your first $1000 then this article is for you. You make money only when you have a perfect flow in your work. So how exactly do ...

I Survived 1,231 Days of Writing on the Internet

I started writing over 3 years ago on this platform. I made $1.39 that first month. In 3 years I’ve written over 1000 articles. It’s been a wild ride. A painful, beautiful journey that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Here’s how it went and what I learned along the way. ...

How Much Are Writing Coach Rates — and Should You Invest?

Necessary disclosure: I’m a writing coach, so a lot of this article will talk about the benefits of writing coaches. No surprises there. But I will also be honest. I think most writers don’t need coaches. All writing advice boils down to write often, and write well. Keep at it lo...

How My Experiments With Writing Are Paying Off

My Muse I’m just wearing my short skirt, your favorite, by the way, nothing else. But you can’t see anything because the top sheet is covering my body. As you join me on the bed, I tenderly stroke the side of your face reveling in the desire and love reflected in your eyes. I li...

The Secret Writing Style of C.a.t.s.

Ah, so you’ve decided to explore the feline realm or perhaps just wish to brush up on what it truly means to embody the spirit of a cat? Picture a poised feline, elegantly perched on a sunlit ledge, exuding an aura of mystery and allure. To the uninitiated, it might seem perplexing: “How...

The Joy Of Writing Is In Moving On.

The other day I got an essay in my email from artist Danny Gregory (of Sketchbook Skool) titled How to make art that matters. While the essay is inspiring, the last sentence hit me like a truck. “The drawings don’t matter. The drawing does.” That’s the ...

Thinking in Abstract in Creative Writing

Iwoke up this morning to a peculiar story. It is a story by Russian fiction writer Nikolai Gogol. I won’t reveal the name of the story — yet — as it would take the amusement away. A title can be so telling, like our name revealing our origin, a reason why I prefer to walk around...

I Can’t Depend on My Partner for Writing Ideas

I am sometimes hard-pressed for any good ideas. I know, “The Sturg is so smart and talented. How is that possible?” Well, we all get there. It’s definitely nice to have a partner or other writers to bounce ideas off of. I just forget sometimes that Mike is not one of those people. ...

5 Practical Tips To Help You Build A Daily Online Writing Habit (And Sustain It While Keeping Your Day Job)

Most people don’t have time to write. Why? Because they have other priorities: Day job Household chores Taking care of kids Luckily, you can manage your energy instead of your time. Anybody can use these 5 tips to start writing today: Write when you have high energy ...

Making a Living Writing — How I Designed This Life (Part 1 of 5)

This photo is from October 2020, when Mom and I went for a holiday and I told her ‘I want to quit the corporate world in 6 months’. Of course, she laughed it off thinking it’s just a phase. Imagine you’re in your mid-twenties, and nothing makes sense to you at work. Why ar...

Why leaders should have good writing skills

Good rule writing skills are essential for leaders Communicating in writing is essential and powerful in any organizational context. For example, written rules and regulations are a key method of communication within an organization that a new member is first introduced to when joining the org...

How to combine writing with art

I think the picture above is a perfect example of combining writing with art, if, of course, the writer created the illustrations (or the artist wrote the book). Because, let’s be honest, art and writing separately are already full-time jobs, combining the two is…a mad challenge. But wh...

Why I stopped writing on Medium

This is the first thing I’ve written on Medium since 2021 (shock! horror!). The reason I stopped writing here is pretty simple: I’d jump on first thing every morning and see a whole lot of stories I didn’t give a damn about. All I could see were headlines about how to make it...

The writing on the wall: can commercialism kill street art?

Against a silver-grey backdrop, the black letters were framed by a white outline that made them appear three-dimensional, as if forcing their way out of their depressed, brick-layered bastille to smack each passer-by with vigorous defiance against the laws of surface and society. In this part of ...

Devlog #1 — Writing a raycaster in 2023

Welcome to a devlog for a retro arena FPS I am working on. If you want to know more about the project, go read the first devlog. Each Saturday, I am going to share project updates as well as more technical discussion on writing my own engine in C++. This week I want to talk about the core of my...

Devlog #1 — Writing a raycaster in 2023

Welcome to a devlog for a retro arena FPS I am working on. If you want to know more about the project, go read the first devlog. Each Saturday, I am going to share project updates as well as more technical discussion on writing my own engine in C++. This week I want to talk about the core of my...

Docker — Best Practices and Pro Tips for Writing Dockerfiles

Production Pro Tips: Overview of best practices for writing Dockerfile. DevOps Mojo — Dockerfiles Best Practices and Tips Below is the list of recommended best practices and methods for building efficient images. Build the smallest image possible Building a smaller image offers...

Unlock the Secrets of Reported Speech: Elevate Your Writing in Minutes!

Grammar is the backbone of any language, and understanding its nuances can elevate your writing to new heights. One such nuance that often trips up even seasoned writers is the concept of reported speech. But fear not! In this article, we’ll break down the rules of reported speech in a simple,...

8 Advanced Python CLI Tricks To Save You From Writing Code

Yes, you can leverage the power of Python without writing any code. The trick is to invoke Python's built-in modules, third-party packages, or your own modules in a way that makes them execute from your command line interface directly. As long as you installed Python, the implementation of...

My Creative Writing Setup

I finally finished my first fiction novel after two years of work and have already begun work on my second. I’ve also produced several short stories and have some game supplements in slow progress. So, as people seem interested in knowing these things, I thought it was about time I shared m...

Divorce Writing

That’s the opening sentence of this short essay. My anecdotal beginning. My lede. Does it strike interest? What do I follow this sentence with? Can I follow with a pithy story, a narrative of mourning, a phoenix like rise from the ashes of disappointment and despair? A narrative of overcoming ...

Drawing and writing are very close to language

Volunteering is at the core of our society. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” Some people volunteer to gain skills, some to network, some to give back to society and feel satisfied, etc. Person...

Has scientific writing ruined my creative mind?

In fifth grade, I used to write wild stories about people who rode giant rats and trees that talked to children. My imagination ran rampant trying to impress my classmates with stories they never could have dreamed up. But after six and a half years in college studying science, those stories, and th...

You Have to Take Ownership of Your Writing Career

The thing that stops writers from succeeding is that they get frustrated and quit. It’s not a lack of talent. I believe that talent is nothing more than a consequence of persistence. It’s not a lack of opportunity, there’s always time to write. Even if you only have one second to s...

Writing Bad Pieces: A Necessary Step Towards Masterpieces

Writing bad pieces is an inevitable part of the writing process. As writers, we often strive for perfection in every piece we create, but the truth is, not every piece will be a masterpiece. In fact, some of our best work may come from the mistakes we make in our bad pieces. When we write bad pie...

Three Things I Want from My Writing Career That You Might Want Too

Working as a freelance writer can be an attractive career for people not suited to traditional jobs. For instance, how my brain works means I find working in a regular job difficult. Have you found that the following things impact you: Does difficulty fitting in and conforming to expectations ...

Writing a grievance letter about discrimination

You can also use it to gather evidence that will help you understand your employer’s defence — this might be useful if you’re thinking of going to a tribunal. You could ask your employer if you can record the meeting — they might only agree if you give them a copy of the r...

The Inclusive UX Writing Starter Kit

I have a simple task for you. Take any random screen from your favorite app and try to visualize it without any written content. Every page title, heading, description, and button copy goes. What do you have left? Hold on, let me guess. Some images, icons, and a lot of confusion. Oh! And just ...

Writing on- To be or not to be, a feminist.

People frequently ask me, “Look at the scenario now, it’s so much better, you have the freedom to go out and work, and so many women are drinking and smoking now,” when I bring up feminism. We shouldn’t think of ourselves as feminists because we have it so good; instead, w...

Zodiac Writing Hacks for When You’re Ready to Give Up and Join a Cult

I don’t have sexy abs like this guy, nor do I have maximum writing productivity every day. Maybe you do, but I don’t think you’d be reading this article if you did… So for all you unproductive writers who are tired of reading article after article about how you have to...


I want to carry on that idea and add to it the notion that too much of ALL our thinking is “boxes” — that is, boundaries around a concept that force things to be either “in” or “out,” requiring a dyadic system of debate and conflict. Now I am more interested...

The birth of writing

In Sumer, located in southern Mesopotamia, numerous commercial elites are indeed established. With the ambition to showcase their wealth, merchants record on tablets the quantities exchanged and their "quality," meaning their nature: gold, silver, construction wood, and other rare, valuabl...

Day Two—5-Min Writing Challenge

Today was the day, fellas. I got my final exams back. The history exam, for those who don’t know, was divided into Paper 1 and Paper 2. The toughest marks that I hated losing were in Paper 1 because most of them were silly mistakes (e.g., I did not elaborate enough or write enough) Math....

How I cured myself from the incurable “skin writing disease”

In my 7 years-long search for curing it, I stumbled across many articles and stories, but I did not find any solutions. I read a lot about similar conditions — sun, cold, and stress initiated. Mine was purely pressure related, but the solution I found should be useful even for those not pre...

Writing Feeds Writing

We think we need to have the whole story in our heads before we can sit down and write it. We need it to be vivid. We need to know how events are going to unfold. But it’s when you start writing the lines that the others come. The other words will appear as if by magic. New ideas will germi...

ChatGPT won’t kill ‘writing’, but it WILL kill ‘content’

I have a deep, simmering hatred for the word “content”. In 2023, I’m guessing we’ve all heard this word. But I’ll offer a brief, imperfect, human-generated definition: “Content” is what makes up the internet. Medium articles, instagram memes, SEO ...

Which AI Chatbot is the Best for Writing Stories in Your Own Voice

Gather ‘round seekers of literary enlightenment. Today I take you on a quest to unearth the supreme storyteller among 5 AI chatbots. I pit the top 3 AI chat bots against each other, pushing the boundaries of machine creativity to discover which one reigns supreme in capturing the essence of my...

How to save 2 Hours on writing in under 3 Minutes!

Have you ever found yourself staring at the blank screen, the cursor blinking back at you like a silent judge, reminding you of the ticking clock and the untouched mountain of tasks awaiting your attention? As writers, we often juggle the delicate balance between creativity and productivity, alwa...

How to practise writing in English: 8 Tips

Practice is the key to success in anything, so if you want good writing, write every day. Whether it's an extended essay, a letter to a friend or just a comment on a website, the key is constantly improving your skill. If you’re learning independently, it can be even more challenging, but ...

Reading Fiction Helped Me Improve My English Writing Skills

I am just like most introverts: Reading has been my hobby since I was a child. I read self-help books as an adult. But back then, I loved reading fiction. I became a hopeless romantic as a result of reading lots of love stories. I had collected books by Veronica Roth, John Green, Danielle Pa...

Why You Need to Be Confident When Breaking the Writing Rules

This week, I have been feeling restless. Fortunately, this feeling usually passes. I can’t settle. I feel like rebelling against everything and, yes, breaking the rules. So why am I telling this? My go-to book Learn More

ChatGPT’s Top 3 Commands for Non-Native English Speakers: Master English Writing with Ease

English is widely regarded as the undisputed ‘language of business.’ With a staggering 1.5 billion speakers worldwide, it is the most commonly spoken language on the planet. Without a strong command of English writing, your career and entrepreneurial opportunities will be severely limite...

Writing practice: My concerns about AI, but not as you thought

Since the emergence of ChatGPT issued by OpenAI, AI technology is in the spotlight again. Some obsess with ChatGPT as it can greatly improve efficiency, on the flip side, others worry that this new monster one day will conquer human beings. Artificial general intelligence will not become a realit...

Perfect Your English Writing: 5 English Learning Apps to Polish Your Skills

Grammarly has become a household name for those seeking precision in their writing. While not as comprehensive as our top pick, Grammarly excels in proofreading and correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. The app provides real-time suggestions, enhancing your writing accuracy and overa...