I Survived 1,231 Days of Writing on the Internet

<p>I started writing over 3 years ago on this platform.</p> <p>I made $1.39 that first month. In 3 years I&rsquo;ve written over 1000 articles. It&rsquo;s been a wild ride. A painful, beautiful journey that I wouldn&rsquo;t trade for anything.</p> <p>Here&rsquo;s how it went and what I learned along the way.</p> <h1>Novelty will never stand the test of time</h1> <p>Novelty will carry you through to week 3 or 4 but past that, you&rsquo;re on your own.</p> <p>This is gate 1. Many people won&rsquo;t make it past here. I nearly didn&rsquo;t. I&rsquo;d given up so many times in the past that my default was defeat. You see in the beginning it&rsquo;s easy.</p> <p>You can hide behind the fact that you are new and therefore inexperienced and not expected to be flying high. You only just started. You&rsquo;re meant to be bad at this.</p> <p>But then when the novelty wears off, you&rsquo;re left with one sinking feeling: Can I do this?</p> <p>The answer? Yes.</p> <h1>Writing is personal, it&rsquo;s emotional</h1> <p>By month 6 nothing had happened.</p> <p>I wasn&rsquo;t a raging success, I didn&rsquo;t have thousands of followers, and nobody cared about what I had to say.</p> <p>Because nothing was going my way there was only one thing left: peace.</p> <p>You see, I was writing from emotion. I was angry at the world. I was mad that I hadn&rsquo;t made it, that other people had, that I didn&rsquo;t have the white Range Rover and the big house.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/swlh/i-survived-1-231-days-of-writing-on-the-internet-b28d4445d95f"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>