Between the Two of Us

<p>My dear,</p> <p>First, I have a choice to make: am I writing this for you or for us? And is this &ldquo;us&rdquo; the world, or is it&hellip;us? Am I writing this just so that I can feel close to you? Am I writing because I believe, presumptuously, that you want my words &mdash; at least, on occasion? Or is it a way for me to exorcize the demons; or, perhaps, to manifest them?</p> <p>Writing, I guess, is always a desperate claim of importance and self-importance, an appropriation, a distortion of reality, an insertion of meaning into the narrow slot between event and history that offers us a chance to create a story. I need this story; I need it more than you. For what a waste it would be to experience all this and not turn it into one.</p> <p>This story begins in Tangier, in &ldquo;your city;&rdquo; actually, it began sooner, but here it begins again. When I arrive, it is an almost full moon. The first few hours feel like a meditation (not a silent one, however). I am usually not into meditations, but this one is potent. I find a spot on one of the many rooftops of the kasbah, dining alone at a tourist restaurant, pretending to enjoy a bland blend of pasta and Tajine but really drinking in the can&rsquo;t-take-my-eyes-off-you view of the medina overlooking the marina. I enjoy the vista without phone reception for 90 minutes &mdash; the duration of a football game &mdash; and watch the sun go down agonizingly slowly, as if it took time itself, and any notion of man-made chronology, with it. I listen to the evening prayers, which, as you later explain, follow a rigorous schedule, but not one that a Western metric system may ever grasp. I discern the uneven, vertiginous, and yet calmly reassuring houses of the medina, their texture within texture within texture. Pigeons and storks, mysterious silhouettes passing over vivid colors, a haze of truth, subtle energy shifts, handcrafted seismic eruptions. Men shouting in the alleys, kids playing football, store owners sitting idle.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>