I Can’t Depend on My Partner for Writing Ideas

<p>I am sometimes hard-pressed for any good ideas. I know, &ldquo;The Sturg is so smart and talented. How is that possible?&rdquo; Well, we all get there. It&rsquo;s definitely nice to have a partner or other writers to bounce ideas off of. I just forget sometimes that Mike is not one of those people.</p> <p>&ldquo;Hey, honey, what would you like to read? What should I write about?&rdquo; In classic fashion, he responds, &ldquo;I don&rsquo;t know. Write what you want and feel like writing about.&rdquo;</p> <p>That&rsquo;s great if I were full of ideas and trying to decide between ideas and he&rsquo;s just telling me to choose one. When I have little to nothing, that can be a huge problem though. I already know internally that he&rsquo;s not the person that I should go to for that kind of advice. It&rsquo;s all right though. He doesn&rsquo;t need to be that person.</p> <p>I shouldn&rsquo;t, and no one should expect their partner to be their writing muse or the person who helps them come up with ideas. We, as writers, can come up with our own ideas when we least expect it and without that external influence. Sure, I may find inspiration in writing about him as I have today but he&rsquo;s not going to be the one that I have to lean on to get that done.</p> <p>I have groups of writing friends that I&rsquo;ve met online either through Discord or on Medium directly. A lot of these friends through brainstorming or through simple conversation and joking can make even the smallest spark of inspiration happen. I remember one time when I was talking to one of them and they made a joke and that joke turned into a whole story when I started writing.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/new-writers-welcome/i-cant-depend-on-my-partner-for-writing-ideas-f705c7e6d91b"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: writing ideas