How to combine writing with art

<p>I think the picture above is a perfect example of combining writing with art, if, of course, the writer created the illustrations (or the artist wrote the book). Because, let&rsquo;s be honest, art and writing separately are already full-time jobs, combining the two is&hellip;a mad challenge. But what can I do? I love both, and I want to continue improving my skills in them.</p> <p>I tried Upwork for writing. I searched through jobs and reacted regularly, but my profile wasn&rsquo;t exciting enough. Eventually, I received two projects, one for SEO writing in Dutch and one for Goth articles, which were a lot of fun to do. After that, I received two scam projects that I reported, and now it&rsquo;s pretty quiet over there.</p> <p>With drawing, I have been posting t-shirt designs on Redbubble for six months now, and it hasn&rsquo;t gotten me anywhere so far, but I read I have to be patient.</p> <p>So here they are separately, but how do I combine writing with drawing? And how to create something I can put on the market? Here are a few thoughts:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>