Has scientific writing ruined my creative mind?

<p>In fifth grade, I used to write wild stories about people who rode giant rats and trees that talked to children. My imagination ran rampant trying to impress my classmates with stories they never could have dreamed up. But after six and a half years in college studying science, those stories, and the mind that created them, are long gone.</p> <p>I was told scientific writing is nothing like what you were taught in high school. There&rsquo;s no room for stories, colorful descriptions, or opinions &mdash; only facts and evidence. And that&rsquo;s how I wrote. Just the facts. I removed unnecessary asides, adjectives, and stripped the emotion from my writing. Stories and anecdotes were replaced with p-values and confidence intervals. My mind was hard-wired into a logical assembly line, where everything must be explained with numbers, and that&rsquo;s how my mind has functioned ever since.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-island-conservation/has-scientific-writing-ruined-my-creative-mind-7951ebe3ec6f"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>