Why I stopped writing on Medium

<p>This is the first thing I&rsquo;ve written on Medium since 2021 (shock! horror!).</p> <p>The reason I stopped writing here is pretty simple: I&rsquo;d jump on first thing every morning and see a whole lot of stories I didn&rsquo;t give a damn about.</p> <p>All I could see were headlines about how to make it big on Medium, issues with Medium, how to make money, and so on. When I was loving Medium, I&rsquo;d jump on in the mornings and devour articles and stories and bookmark others for later.</p> <p>I couldn&rsquo;t get enough of it.</p> <p>But lots of things were changing, with Medium and with my writing career, and it just didn&rsquo;t feel like this was the place for me anymore.</p> <p>You can read about where I&rsquo;m at with my writing (and for a little spoiler: picture book writing and illustration!) journey here:</p> <p><a href="https://melissajwriting.medium.com/why-i-stopped-writing-on-medium-8c3a1a99106d"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: writing Medium