If You Aren’t Able to Make Money Through Writing Then Do This

<p>I read many comments on my articles that new writers are still having trouble making their first dollar on the internet. Or even if you are having trouble making your first $1000 then this article is for you.</p> <blockquote> <p>You make money only when you have a perfect flow in your work.</p> </blockquote> <p>So how exactly do make money through writing? I&rsquo;ll give you some simple steps. Follow this for 90 days and watch the results yourself.</p> <h2>90 days Game Plan for writers &amp; freelancers-</h2> <ol> <li>I have said this numerous times but&nbsp;<strong>have a niche</strong>. If you have a problem finding a niche then make a list of three interrelated niches of your interest and then try to concentrate on one main niche. You can later go for more niches and micro-niches if you aren&rsquo;t satisfied with your niche.</li> <li><strong>Pick a name or a pen name</strong>. If you already have a brand under your real name and want to try out a new niche then pick a name with your niche in it. Try to come up with a new name. 9 years back, more than 70% of the writers I met had pen names. And they were still successful! Choose anything you like or simply keep your real name. But stick to ONE.</li> <li><a href="https://medium.com/@hazelparadise/kindle-unlimited-vs-wide-497ed593a366" rel="noopener">Make an account on Amazon KDP.&nbsp;<strong>Write 1 short book (15k to 20k each) per month on Amazon KDP.</strong></a>&nbsp;Remember to write quality books because only then you will have returning customers. Publish the books under the same chosen name.</li> <li>Pick any one platform.<a href="https://medium.com/the-shortform/why-i-prefer-medium-over-other-blogging-platforms-c91c955e0050" rel="noopener">&nbsp;For writers, Medium, and Twitter are the best.&nbsp;</a>I have had success with Reddit as well. The name should be uniform.</li> <li><a href="https://medium.com/bouncin-and-behavin-blogs/how-many-social-media-accounts-should-writers-have-30c8f75e2d27" rel="noopener">Be consistent and try to make 1k followers or 300 karma points, whatever the case is</a>. Create good content and people will follow you, no doubt about this.</li> <li>Link your KDP account to Author Central Account. It shows all self-published books under your name.</li> </ol> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@hazelparadise/if-you-arent-able-to-make-money-through-writing-then-do-this-d962bc24089f"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Money writing