You’ll Get These 10 Feelings When You’re With The Wrong Person

<p>L<strong>ife brings us many challenges, but perhaps one of the most challenging at all&hellip;is admitting that we&rsquo;ve chosen the wrong partner.</strong></p> <p>The implications of such are vast. It makes you question your own judgment. You&rsquo;re worried about what other people will think. Are you supposed to go back and delete all of those Instagram photos together?</p> <p>For some, it&rsquo;s even more complicated. They could be married, and/or have children, and/or have a house together, or pets, or a business&hellip;</p> <p>Oftentimes this feels so overwhelming that the decision is made to just&hellip;stay. It&rsquo;s easier that way. Less expensive. You can suck it up and just &ldquo;deal with it&rdquo;&hellip;for the rest of your life (?).</p> <p>At least it&rsquo;s better for the kids.</p> <p>Or, is it?</p> <p>The point is this: It&rsquo;s&nbsp;<strong>never easy</strong>&nbsp;to walk away from a relationship, even if it&rsquo;s still in the earlier stages. You start thinking about getting out there and dating again, and those feelings of what a pain in the ass it was just all come rushing back.</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s not even get started on the seemingly apocalyptic path one must travel when navigating a divorce where there are multiple layers involved.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>