Tag: Unity

Unity VR — Teleport Locomotion

Within the Unity VR world, there are things called Teleportation Areas. Teleportation Areas are typically used by generating a “line” from your controller and it enables the Player to teleport to that location. VR is a strange world and motion sickness is definitely a thing if VR isn&...

Unity in VR — Main Camera

The Main Camera functions much like any other and serves as the player’s viewpoint, as one might expect since it’s strapped to your head. Another thing that’s on the Main Camera is the Tracked Pose Driver. What the Tracked Pose Driver does, is that it takes in a position and rot...

Getting Unity VR Ready

Now that we’ve got the Oculus Meta 2 set up, we can establish our connection with Unity to begin creating VR games. First, be sure to have the latest version of Unity 2021.3.## installed. With this version selected, we will be creating a 3D (URP) Core project. To make this blank samp...

Unity Architecture: Spaghetti Pattern

Six months ago I was promoted to the position of Lead Unity Developer. Taking on this role, I felt that I had to level up my coding game. I was tired of creating glorified prototypes, that impressed clients and employers early, only for the codebase to become a hell scape 12 months later, riddled wi...

Goodbye, Unity.

Today is a kind of a special episode, cause it’s the last one I’ll be doing about the Unity game engine per se — at least until things get back to normal, if they ever do. As you probably know, there’s recently been a big announcement from Unity on Septembre 12, ...

Unity Engine is Dead… The Game Dev Industry is Suffering

If you come in and say “Unity” to game developers, many of them have a reflex action to faint these days. The reason is not that it has advanced quality similar to Unreal Engine, It’s because they decided to kill themselves… Along with every other smaller game developers. ...

Adding A Boss Fight Part 1: Converting A 3D Model To A 2D Sprite | Unity & GIMP

At long last, it’s time to add a boss to our space shooter. This boss will appear after all of the enemy waves, complete with a set of unique attacks and behaviors. I’ll divide up the process of adding a boss fight into multiple parts, starting off with how to convert a 3D model into a 2...

10 minutes to review the quality of any Unity project

I will share my approach to get a high-level overview of the quality of any Unity project. As a result, I will be able to highlight areas of the project for a deeper review. During my last 5 years as technical lead in Playtika, I had to review different Unity projects and define areas for impro...

It’s time to drop Unity, so what’s next?

Let me paint you a picture. You’re a small indy developer, working on a game that’s coming out in the next year or two. Maybe your team consists of only a few people (or maybe it’s just you!). Long nights, coding sessions, and all of your effort is going towards trying to make and ...

Exploring Unity DOTS and ECS: is it a game changer?

Unity DOTS allows developers to use the full potential of modern processors and deliver highly optimized, efficient games — and we think it’s worth paying attention to. It’s been over five years since Unity first announced development of their Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOT...

My Take On The “Unity” Fiasco

Not so much with Unity, but with how so many of these systems made it simple for non-programmers to be suckered into THINKING they could be game developers. Why else do you REALLY think all these Unity and Unreal Engine games are buggy unreliable messes? That the quality of AAA g...

Game Developers’ Arsenal: Building Collectible Ammo in Unity

Power-ups and collectibles are pivotal in engaging players and enhancing the gameplay experience in game development. One such vital collectible is the “Ammo Collectible,” which allows players to replenish their ammunition, ensuring they can keep the action going. Ammo PowerUp Gra...

UI Elements For Wave System | Unity Developer

While I’m continuing work on implementing different mechanics for the boss fight for my space shooter game, I realized that while I do have an enemy spawning wave system in place, there aren’t any notifications to tell the player they are on the next wave. Since the boss fight ...

Adding A Boss Fight Part 2: Boss Spawn & Position | Unity Developer

At long last, it’s time to add a boss to our space shooter. This boss will appear after all of the enemy waves, complete with a set of unique attacks and behaviors. I’ll divide up the process of adding a boss fight into multiple parts. Today’s story will cover the spawning and the ...

Unity DOTS 2023: Physics, Character Controller, PhysicsShape, Colliders Complications & Solutions

Unity Physics/DOTS Physics Components When you are starting to get used to Entities, PhysicsShape/PhysicsBody are the components that you will come across more frequently. You can see people talk about them everywhere, including the official manual. We understand that they are DOTS...

5 Unity Extensions That You Will Actually Use

As a busy game developer, your time is precious, and traipsing through Unity’s asset store for quality extensions can be a daunting task. Let’s face it, a significant portion of the content available in the Asset Store is absolute belly-button lint (only interesting to whoever made it). ...

Top Unity Projects to Help Beginners Get Started with Game Development

The gaming industry has experienced significant growth over the last few decades, with the emergence of new video games on a daily basis. Even small indie studios have been able to create successful games. Among the various game engines available, Unity has become one of the most popular choices, es...

Switching from Unity to Godot?

Wth Unity’s recent announcement of their new pricing structure, including runtime fees, many Unity developers are questioning their future with the engine. If you’re already a Unity developer and you’re exploring alternatives like Unreal or Godot, let me share my experience. If ...

Is it worth to use Unity Game Engine for Indie Game Developers?

The rules of Unity Engine have changed. On September 12, Unity announced a new Runtime Fee based on above certain thresholds, annual revenue and game installs, starting January 1, 2024. For instance, if an indie developer uses the free Unity Personal plan, getting $200k in revenue an...

3 Ways to Reduce Load Time in Runtime for Unity

Long loading time have always been a problem for most indie games. With my experience in game development, I can assure that if you don’t pay attention and avoid it, it will eventually become the bottleneck of your game’s performance. I’ll list 3 reasons that might slow down game l...

(Part II.) How to write a simple 3D character controller in Unity

This is a second part of my gamedev series. For setting up walking (and other animations) see the first part. This is going to be a 3rd person controller, so I will position the camera over the shoulder and assign it as a child object to the Player. I create a folder for Scripts in th...

Enemy Wave Spawner in Unity

Today’s core programming challenge will focus on using a coroutine to control how our enemies spawn into the game. Objective: Create a coroutine that will make it so more and more enemies appear per wave. Adding Wave Indicator text We’ll use a set of variables to control th...

A Beginners’s Guide for Post-Processing for Unity 2D

The Post-Processing stack is a collection of image effects applied to change the looks of you game. They can help you create a polished effect for your visuals very quickly. From depth-enhancing vignettes, realistic motion blur, and interesting fish-eye perspectives, Post-Processing in Unity is a&nb...

Intro to Multiplayer in Unity with Photon

My most treasured memories have been from playing multiplayer games with my friends, whether online or on the couch. Pulling all-nighters playing Halo and drinking soda in the basement was our definition of an awesome weekend. Now that I’m on my own game development journey, I can’t wait...

Four Gotchas to know before using Databricks Unity Catalog

In the ever-evolving landscape of data management, Databricks has been a game-changer. Among its suite of tools, Unity Catalog has garnered significant attention. For the uninitiated, Unity Catalog is more than just another metastore — it’s a powerful solution designed to streamline, gov...

Unveiling the Secrets: External Tables vs. External Volumes in Azure Databricks Unity Catalog

While reviewing the Databricks documentation about Unity Catalog, I came across a concept that initially seemed a bit perplexing: the distinction between accessing data objects stored in our cloud storage using External Tables versus External Volumes. This inspired me to write an article exploring t...

Sync Delta Tables Stored in DBFS (Managed or External) To Unity Catalog

Databricks recommends for these use cases to recreate the tables in unity catalog and copy the data using a deep clone. But if you are a person who’s not a fan of copying/moving data, you can follow my humble demo. I’ll show you how I get to work around. The second...

Unity Catalog Upgrade journey

In Unity Catalog, catalogs are top-level containers that can house one or more databases. Catalogs can be thought of as namespaces or directories that group related databases and tables together. b)Workspaces In Databricks, a workspace is the primary user interface for building, managing, ...

Unity In Scotland

Unity is a truly global company — we currently operate in more than 50 locations around the world, and every day we interact with colleagues across our locations as we work together to deliver for our customers. At Unity in Scotland, we are rapidly growing a group of teams that are wor...

Beyond Politics: Prioritizing Nigeria’s Unity and Progress

The Supreme Court verdict about Nigeria’s presidential election drew varying reactions from different quarters; those who saw themselves on the winning side, and those who saw themselves on the other side. Without doubt, no-one wants to experience ‘defeat’. The kind of emotions ...

Why a Black Student Was Pressured to Conform for The Sake of Unity

Far too often, Black Americans are pressured to conform for the sake of unity, to assimilate into a white-centered society, which has become painfully evident in the way Black students are punished for wearing natural hairstyles instead of cutting their hair or straightening it using chemi...

Australia Day unity?

I’ve read not insignificantly on this including Cook’s Log/Journal, Tim Flannery’s essays from the 1990s, Buckley’s account of his 30 years with the Aborigines, the First Fleet writings and Collin’s, Batman’s & Fawkner’s attempts to settle Victoria. D...

6 Activities to Promote Unity Among Diverse Racial Groups

Establish mentorship programs that pair white and black individuals together. This one-on-one relationship can create a deeper understanding, trust, and unity between white and black individuals. Mentors can offer guidance, support, and share their experiences, while mentees can gain insights, inspi...

The Importance and Beauty of Black and Jewish Unity

Over the past few weeks, American Jews have been brutally reminded how rampant and entrenched antisemitism still is in this country. After Kanye West’s remarks and threats against the Jewish people, Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving came under fire for promoting an antisemitic documentary to his...