A Beginners’s Guide for Post-Processing for Unity 2D
<p>The Post-Processing stack is a collection of image effects applied to change the looks of you game. They can help you create a polished effect for your visuals very quickly. From depth-enhancing vignettes, realistic motion blur, and interesting fish-eye perspectives, Post-Processing in Unity is a <em>must have</em> to give your game impact.</p>
<p>Here are the steps to get started. <em>Note: These instructions are for Windows machines running Unity 2019.4.3.1f (current LTS) however they should be backwards compatible for your version.</em></p>
<p><a href="https://dusksharp.medium.com/a-beginnerss-guide-for-post-processing-for-unity-2d-843874f333a1"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>