My Take On The “Unity” Fiasco

<p>Not so much with Unity, but with how so many of these systems made it simple for non-programmers to be suckered into&nbsp;<strong><em>THINKING&nbsp;</em></strong>they could be game developers. Why else do you&nbsp;<strong><em>REALLY</em></strong>&nbsp;think all these Unity and Unreal Engine games are buggy unreliable messes? That the quality of AAA game titles is in the toilet whilst crappy little indie games &mdash;&nbsp;<em>even 2d platformers, card/puzzle games and the like&nbsp;</em>&mdash; now tread into the 1 gigabyte install territory?</p> <p>&ldquo;Oh but the textures&rdquo; doesn&rsquo;t mean jack when these clowns have lower-res textures than 2003&rsquo;s Far Cry, deploy their images in non-compressed formats, and track everything in unminified unencoded JSON and INI files?&nbsp;<em>Yes, Harebrained Schemes&rsquo; BattleTech, I&rsquo;m looking at you!</em></p> <p>The people who aren&rsquo;t willing to &ldquo;learn to really program&rdquo;. The ones not willing to &ldquo;put in real work&rdquo;. The ones with unrealistic time schedules looking for any and every possible shortcut no matter how badly it&rsquo;s going to screw them?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Unity Fiasco