Tag: Trump

Disqualifying Trump Under the 14th Amendment: Exploring the Case For and Against

There’s a strong case for disqualifying Donald Trump from the presidency. One that finds even multiple conservative legal scholars in agreement. Others, however, argue that disqualification would be anti-democratic, among other reasons. This article will analyze both sides of...

Biden’s Not Just Trailing Trump in the Polls. He’s Trailing Nikki Haley, Too.

For months now, before he even announced he would officially be running for reelection, I’ve found myself wondering at what point Democrats might actually begin to panic about the re-electability of President Joe Biden. No one has really panicked about his incredibly high disapproval rating...

Think Trump Can’t Be President Again? Think Again…

A recent Wall Street Journal poll showed President Joe Biden and Donald Trump in a virtual dead-heat. And my initial reaction was…’That can’t be. It’s an outlier. Let’s see what the next polls say.’ Well, a new CNN poll this week indicated the same alar...

Trump Posts Barack Obama's Address on Truth Social

The home pictured is the former Obama home, not the current one in the Kalorama neighborhood of D.C. Donald Trump posted the address of the present house where Barack Obama lives with Michelle on Truth Social. The same day, a man cruised the neighborhood in a van with guns, looking for a good a...

CNN’s Trump Trainwreck and the Mainstreaming of Authoritarians

The pageantry of lies that passed for a town hall last week was yet another low point in CNN’s coverage of Donald Trump. To absolutely no one’s surprise, the former president used the media attention to paint an alternative view of recent U.S. history — one in which he features ...

Donald Trump Losing His Religion — If He Ever Had Any

Evangelicals got into bed with Donald Trump, the sinner. How many broken commandments? Adultery, stealing, coveting, no other gods, taking God’s name in vain, sabbath, bearing false witness — lying. They prayed over him. At least until he gave them what they wanted. It was...

The Prosecution of Donald Trump

The Manhattan grand jury voted to indict Donald J. Trump today, in connection with his payment of hush money to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, in a truly historic move against a former American president who is again seeking reelection. Trump is expected to be booked and arraigned sometime next ...

Joe Biden and Donald Trump Are Tied in the Polls.

As much as the American people were hoping it would not be the case, it’s looking as though the upcoming election is going to be a rematch between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It’s truly a testament to just how sorry the state of American politics continues to be, but nevertheless here we...

What Happens When Trump Dies?

Donald Trump has dominated the American and worldwide press since his whirlwind campaign in 2015 brought him to the most powerful seat of American government. He served one term, lost his re-election bid, famously tried to subvert democracy in an attempted insurrection on January 6, and has since be...

Stop Treating Elon Musk Like Trump

Putting aside the fact that I cannot think of a least fun person to watch a World Cup Final with than Jared Kushner, Musk’s subsequent Tweets were as normal and straightforward and dull as you’d expect anyone’s to be from a World Cup Final: There is something depressing about the w...

Donald John Trump: | Alexander Dugin’s Influence on Political Thought: A Critical Analysis of His Philosophical Government Views

This research paper delves into the philosophical government views of Alexander Dugin, a prominent Russian philosopher whose ideas have gained attention worldwide. It also explores the alleged influence of Dugin’s writings on former U.S. President Donald Trump’s political strategies. Thr...

What ChatGPT Says About Donald Trump

I never expected to write about artificial intelligence (AI). But since OpenAi shocked both the business and tech worlds with the release of ChatGPT, everything has been changing quickly. This free program has the ability to answer complex questions as well as generate essays, write and debug code a...

Where Do I Sign Up For the Trump Diet?

Donald Trump walked into the Fulton County Jail weighing well over 300 lbs, and by the time he signed himself in, he had dropped to 215 lbs. How did he do it? Inquiring minds want to know. Every time he enters a jail, he loses weight. When he gave his measurements in Manhattan during his firs...

Holy Sht! Trump Fcks Over His Own Son and Faces a $300 Million Nightmare!

Trump Throws Eric Under the Bus: A New Low Even for Him What’s good, America? Y’all won’t believe this! Donald Trump, the indicted 2024 Republican Presidential hopeful, just snitched on his own son, Eric Trump, while testifying in New York Attorney General Letitia James’ c...

My Trip Inside the Lion’s Den: An Afternoon at Mar-a-Lago with the Trump Family

When we joined the short queue of cars at the beach club’s entrance, I noticed two heavily armed guards wearing armored vests and holding the type of guns they don’t sell at Walmart. I looked at my host from the passenger seat and said, “Whoa, that’s pretty intense.” He...

The Time Trump Saved NYC Veterans Day Parade 1995

In 1995, New York City’s Veterans Day Parade faced a critical moment. The event, dedicated to honoring our nation’s veterans, was in jeopardy due to a severe lack of funding. The parade, a cherished tradition for decades, was at risk of cancellation, leaving many veterans and their famil...

Letters to Trump: Reflections, Critiques, and Hopes

Barely any presidents in American history have had as enduring an effect on the country’s consciousness as Donald J. Trump. Whether you saw his organization with extreme assistance or phenomenal doubt, there’s no denying that he was a polarizing figure who evoked convincing sentimen...

Donald Trump Is Terrified Of Prison, And Is Turning Into A Recluse

Donald Trump has reportedly not reacted well to his various indictments and criminal investigations, and is increasingly worried, paranoid, scared, and jumpy anytime he hears a sudden noise, which makes him jump up and scream, “The FBI is here! Flush all the classified documents down the toile...

Donald Trump Is Declared the Winner of the First GOP Debate, Even Though He Never Even Attended

One of the truest things anyone can probably say of former President Donald Trump, is that he never fails to completely floor us all. And this time, at least, he didn’t even have to do a single thing to pull it off. On Wednesday, August 23rd, the first debate of the 2024 GOP primary race fo...

Legally, Trump Can’t Be President

Itturns out you cannot carry out violent insurrections, and then hope to legally serve in the American government, according to the U.S. Constitution. Indeed, a rational and honest reading of our much-vaunted Constitution tells us that officeholders who become rebels are thereafter barred from holdi...

Things Donald Trump Doesn’t Know, And At This Point Is Afraid To Ask

How the nuclear triad works. Whether we fought the Nazis or the British in the Civil War. Why America ever gave women the right to vote. If New Mexico is an American state or a Mexican state. What the problem with incest is anyway, and why it’s bad if both the father and the daughte...

Trump Official Who Told Jan. 6 Cops To Go Hang Themselves … Uh, Might Have Just Hung Himself

“When I told the Capitol cop traitors to go hang themselves, I didn’t mean me!” said Dylan Quattrucci, Trump’s New Hampshire deputy campaign director who might be out of a job. The young Trump official carelessly made an expletive-laced video, directed at th...

Trump Flees to Cuba During Hurricane Idalia

A recorded conversation was leaked from the Department of Justice today, indicating that Donald J. Trump may have fled to Cuba under the cover of Hurricane Idalia in a desperate attempt to flee US justice. According to several sources this morning US justice officials received a very unusual call...

How Trump Reshaped the Republican Party’s Identity and Rhetoric?

Traditionally, the GOP was seen as the party of small government, fiscal conservatism, and free-market principles. However, the Trump era signaled a paradigm shift, with the introduction of populist messaging that resonated deeply with a significant portion of the American electorate. A...

Republicans Have a Trump Law and Order Problem

The best litmus test during the first Republican debate was every candidate’s answer to one question: “Would you act the same as Mike Pence did on January 6th?” It revealed their true views on law and order and the rule of law. Whether they agreed that no one person is above t...

Sarah Palin Calls for Trump Supporters to “Rise Up” Over Trump Arrest, Alludes to “Civil War”

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin believes only bad things can come from prosecuting former President Donald Trump for his alleged crimes ― including a possible civil war. Palin suggested the possibility of a civil war in a Newsmax interview shortly after Trump surrendered to author...

Trump Says Something Funny, a First

Donald Trump is a funny man only in the sense of funny-peculiar, funny-weird. Funny ha-ha? Uh-uh. Never. His lack of a sense of humor — nasty, hyperbolic insults don’t count — has long been cited as one of the signs of his interior void along with his vindictiveness, his lack of...

In Response to His Indictment For Inciting Violence, Trump Once Again Incites Violence.

As one would have probably come to expect, Donald Trump is not handling the news of a third indictment particularly well. It’s become increasingly apparent since before he even lost his reelection that he’s getting more paranoid, angry, and frankly delusional as he dedicates his entire e...

If Donald Trump had not been President, he’d likely be dead.

Mr. Trump’s blatant disregard for the coronavirus and his befuddled, self-serving — even heinous — downplaying of the pandemic misled the nation, ultimately making him responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of people, many his supporters. [1,2] Some died believing the tou...

When Donald Trump Went to College

"This is a great day for America. We're going back to all merit-based — and that's the way it should be!" Donald Trump celebrated the ruling by the Supreme Court that ended race-based affirmative action in America's colleges and universities. Given his great concern th...

Ivanka Trump Wanted Her Dad To Fire Mike Pence, Appoint Her As VP After January 6th

According to White House insiders, Ivanka Trump tried to convince her father, President Donald Trump, to fire Vice President Mike Pence for the last few weeks of his presidency so that she could replace him and add “Vice President” to her resumé. “Trump was amenable to th...

Donald Trump Revealed The Dating Advice He Gave Barron

You’re 18 now, or 13, or probably at least 16, so you’re becoming a man, and that means it’s time for your father, Donald J. Trump, to teach you about life, and about what it means to be a Trump, and how to carry after I am gone the family reputation I have erected for you. It m...

Doc Rich Suggests Steve Harvey Supports Donald Trump for 2024

As the U.S. elections in 2024 approach, a lot is happening within the Republican primary. Specifically, the former president Donald J. Trump is running again and is the first former president to be indicted (four times) for the January 6, 2021 Capitol assault. As a freelance writer and ...

How Two Black Trump Followers Ended Up Indicted in Georgia

Trevian Kutti's resume was already questionable when she was the 15th defendant named in the racketeering indictment headlined by Donald Trump. Before doing Trump's bidding, she worked for Kanye West and, before that, R. Kelly. In 2021, she joined the Young Black Leadership Council under Pre...

Why Trump Won’t Do Jail Time

It’s challenging to keep track of every case against Donald Trump. More are coming too. As I write this, Fani Willis in Georgia is loading her own grand jury-powered indictment cannon aimed at the 45th President. None of these cases look good for the Teflon Don. If I wer...

Donald Trump Wants To Move His Georgia State Trial Case To Federal Court

Former President Donald Trump and 18 other defendants will try to appear in separate trials. Defendants will also try to get out of state court and into federal court. This would allow the defendants to have an easier jury trial. It also means that the defendants can rely on their government positio...

I Need to See Donald Trump and Chris Christie Debate.

When it comes to campaigning, there’s no denying that Donald Trump approaches it like no other. It was the lack of filter, so uncharacteristic for nearly every other politician in the country that endeared him to a base that was in search of a disrupter. Someone to go in there and leave these ...

Donald Trump 2.0

A group of billionaires sits around a large, gold-plated table discussing plans for the 2024 presidential election. Charles Koch: “I think we can all agree that we’d like to get more of those juicy tax cuts we received under Trump but it’s not looking good for our boy Donald in ...

There’s A Real Possibility Trump Will Be Reelected In 2024

Despite being indicted four times in less than six months, there’s a real possibility Donald Trump will be elected for a second term next November. Trump has at least 91 reasons why he would do anything to be reelected, and those are felony charges that he’s facing in New Yo...

Trump Is Holding a Fundraiser to Pay His Co-Defendants’ Legal Bills

Trump’s legal bills are really starting to pile up. So much so, that he can no longer pay the legal bills of his co-defendants in his four indictments. He needs every penny in his Save America super PAC, which should probably be renamed to Save Trump because that has become its sole purpose. T...

Disqualifying Trump Under the 14th Amendment: Exploring the Case For and Against

There’s a strong case for disqualifying Donald Trump from the presidency. One that finds even multiple conservative legal scholars in agreement. Others, however, argue that disqualification would be anti-democratic, among other reasons. This article will analyze both sides of...

Trump Draws a Hanging Judge for the January 6 Trial

Oh, Karma. You are so sly. So patient. And like the Mounties, you always get your man. Trump may have thought that he had it made in the shade when he drew Judge Aileen Cannon as the judge in the documents case, but you knew better. Judge Cannon can fangirl all she wants. She can grant him f...

Putin Doesn’t Think US Foreign Policy Will Change If Trump Is Re-Elected (And He’s Probably Right)

Vladimir Putin said at the Eastern Economic Forum on Tuesday that he wouldn’t expect any meaningful changes in US policy toward Russia if former president Donald Trump secures re-election next year. TASS reports the following on the Russian president’s comments: “...

Trump Rallies His Supporters, Again

Donald Trump will likely be indicted later this summer for calling his supporters to the Capitol on January 6, 2021, for the purposes of preventing the certification of the presidential election he lost. It appears Trump has learned little from that sordid incident. As he faces arraignment on the...

The United States v Donald Trump Will Be the Trial of the Century

What happens now — now that Donald Trump’s been indicted? Let’s talk about it — and not on a superficial level, on a deeper one. On a simple, surface level, what happens next is obvious. Trump is out there gaslighting America and the world as usual — it&rsq...

The Prosecution of Donald Trump

The Manhattan grand jury voted to indict Donald J. Trump today, in connection with his payment of hush money to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, in a truly historic move against a former American president who is again seeking reelection. Trump is expected to be booked and arraigned sometime next ...


Finally, the election is startlingly close. Most of us know how we will vote. What we don’t know is how we let it get this crazy. Yes, it sounds like a bad country-western song. We let the man cheat on us, pull a fast one on us. From the beginning, we should have believed what Melania purporte...

Keep Trump, DeSantis; I’ll Take Blobs, Asteroids, Fungus And Earthquakes

If I have to choose between a president trump or a president DeSantis and a killer fungus that has caused the worst wildlife disease in history, a 5,000-mile wide blob of seaweed that is headed for Florida and an asteroid the size of an Olympic swimming pool striking the earth, I will easily choose ...

Growing Up at Trump Towers

“There are roughly three New Yorks. There is, first, the New York of the man or woman who was born here, who takes the city for granted and accepts its size and its turbulence as natural and inevitable. Second, there is the New York of the commuter — the city that is devoured by locusts ...

Drawing Day One of the Carrol v Trump Rape Trial

Today was the first day of the E. Jean Carroll vs. Donald Trump Civil Trial in Lower Manhattan. Ms. Carroll is suing Donald Trump for defamation and battery. She said he raped her in 1996 in Bergdorf Goodmans. He denies it. Journalists were not allowed electronic devices (very strange to give up ...

Drawing Day Two of the Carroll v Trump Rape Trial

Wednesday was the second day of the E. Jean Carroll vs. Donald Trump Civil Trial in Manhattan. It was a tense day, Ms. Carroll was to testify against Trump. I was there to live draw what I saw, and below are the sketches I did during the proceedings. I was in the gallery about five rows back from th...

Trump School of Law

We hope that you are putting your education to good use and have become a great success in your chosen field. At the very least, we hope you were able to share in the $25 million settlement generously agreed to by our esteemed president and U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel. Notwithstanding the ...

I Don’t Grieve Trump’s Hatred, I Grieve His Supporters’ Hatred

My Trump-supporting neighbors, family members, and former friends think it has been but my sadness really has nothing to do with him. From the very beginning he’s just been a spotlight. Over the past few years, he has simply revealed clearly the hidden ugliness of the place I call home and the...

Why Trump Should Not Be Removed, v3

I’ve written a couple of short pieces about the move to invoke Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to block Donald Trump from the ballot. The gist of those two swipes was this: That while electing Donald Trump to a second term of office would be catastrophic, removing him from the ballot based on&...

Is Removing Trump from State Ballots a Bad Idea?

I was like a lot of you. It’s almost as if Colorado said, “Merry Christmas, Charles!” Herr Trump, deleted from the Colorado presidential ballot! Before Colorado’s Supreme Court so unexpectedly gifted me, my favorite Christmas present had always been one I receive...

Did Trump Engage in a Conspiracy to Commit “Corrupt Obstruction?

In a recent article, Lawfare’s senior editor Roger Parloff carefully analyzed these two recent D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals decisions. Parloff wrote that these two rulings are important not only because they affect all these convictions but because Special Counsel Jack Smith has also rel...

Convicted Jan. 6 ‘Ex-MAGA Granny’ Denounces Trump

A70-year-old, self-described, “Ex-MAGA Granny” served sixty days in federal prison after pleading guilty for her role in the January 6, 2021 insurrection and attempted coup d’etat against the US government. That was Pamela Hemphill’s first experience inside a prison c...

Trump Calls For Civil War…Again. And Apparently, That’s Just Fine.

In 1972, Ed Muskie’s campaign was destroyed when he briefly cried in public. Someone had said something nasty about his wife. Plus, he had just seen Beaches for the first time. Three tears in a snowy parking lot in Manchester, and Muskie, then the front-runner, was toast. Soggy toast...

Trump and the Republicans

I’m publishing this series of articles to share and discuss my ruminations on coping with a troubled and messy world. You can “follow” me to never miss an article. Essentially, we’re living in a recurring nightmare where the same bad movies keep playing again and again. ...

The Trump loss

We have just had the first two Republican primaries, Iowa and New Hampshire In Iowa he received 52%, so he failed to obtain at least 90% of the votes a prior President should receive. In New Hampshire he received only 59%, so he failed by 30 %. What I see is a massive rejection of his agenda, If ...

Biden vs. Trump: Are Their Supporters Equally Extreme?

The fact that Biden supporters respond to the questions and demands of Palestinian advocates for accountability and peace with chants of “4 more years” is very disturbing. I see striking similarities between Biden’s supporters and their arch enemies, the MAGA Republicans. It&rsq...

9 Things That Would Make A Trump Biden Rematch Way More Interesting

Since it now looks inevitable, let’s inject a little levity and lighthearted agism into the imminent face-off between Biden and Trump. I know I’d tune in… and so would you. At every debate, Biden must dress up as SpongeBob SquarePants with Trump in full SquidWard costume. Quest...

Should Trump Stay on the Ballot?

So, now Donald Trump has scored another so-called victory when a Nevada judge ruled yesterday that a lawsuit aimed at keeping Trump off the ballot was dismissed. And by the way, the judge who tossed the suit out happens to have been appointed by the guy who’s secretly running the country,...

Senator Tim Scott Of South Carolina Endorsed Trump

Asa fellow Republican from South Carolina, it might seem logical that Tim Scott would have endorsed his former Governor, Nikki Haley. That was not the case as Scott endorsed Trump for the Republican primary. The crowded field of candidates who started out vying to become the Republican nominee fo...

After Iowa, is Trump Inevitable?

The Iowa Republican voters have spoken, but we wasted our time waiting for the results of the caucuses. We knew that a four-times-indicted man would win the caucus vote. We did not know whether DeSantis would finish behind Nikki Haley or the reverse, but we knew that DeSantis’ dream of bringin...

Cheering on Nikki Haley Just to Piss Off Trump

As a Democrat, I find myself drawn to certain candidates more than others. Sometimes it’s their policies, sometimes it’s their experience, and sometimes it’s just the sheer entertainment value of watching them drive Donald Trump up the wall. One such candidate who’s recent...

Without Pushback, Biden Goes Full Trump on Immigration

The Biden administration is reportedly weighing the implementation of the Obama- and Trump-era policy of detaining migrant families seeking asylum in the US — an approach he denounced and ended after taking office. For grassroots immigration advocates, the decision came with little-to-no surpr...

Trump or Biden — Who’s better for India?

Come November 3 and the USA will vote for its next President. Donald Trump, the sitting President and Republican Party Nominee is facing a tough challenge from Democratic Presidential Nominee and former two-term Vice-President under Obama, Joe Biden. After the chaotic Trump-Biden debate on Septem...

Trump Threatens DA Alvin Bragg’s Wife

Now that he has been formally indicted and will actually be forced to face an actual judge, and actually give an accounting for his crimes, Trump is not merely pulling out all stops but ratcheting up his practically patented and trademarked intimidation tactics against all who now have actual power ...

The Case Against Trump

Weall live in a bubble. No matter what your ideological affiliation, you are perfectly capable of existing in a feedback loop of your own choosing, never having to bother with strong opposing viewpoints. From the news you consume to the social media platforms you frequent, you are most likely to see...

Trump Predicts a “Blood Bath” When He Loses. That’s Why He Should Lose

Donald Trump disrespects democracy, threatens with violence, and calls immigrants “animals.” Who cares? We all should, but we have grown numb after years of unacceptable behavior and improper statements by the former President. He has become a particular category in politics where ...

Trump Unveils “Trump Sneakers” Line Following $355 Million Court Setback

Former President Donald Trump has taken an unexpected turn in the world of fashion, launching his very own sneaker line just 24 hours after a New York judge ordered him and his companies to pay a staggering $355 million in a civil fraud trial. The Gold Standard in Fo...