Think Trump Can’t Be President Again? Think Again…

<p>A recent Wall Street Journal poll showed President Joe Biden and Donald Trump in a virtual dead-heat. And my initial reaction was&hellip;<em>&rsquo;That can&rsquo;t be</em>.&nbsp;<em>It&rsquo;s an outlier. Let&rsquo;s see what the next polls say.&rsquo;</em>&nbsp;Well, a new CNN poll this week indicated the same alarming result. My reaction now?&nbsp;<em>&lsquo;What in the fuckity fuck of fucks is wrong with America?&rsquo;</em></p> <p>Joe Biden is the most successful, productive first-term president in modern history&hellip;maybe even all of history. And he&rsquo;s accomplished this feat facing the most toxic, tribal, obstinate, intransigent opposition party ever.</p> <p>A president who&rsquo;s first-two-year accomplishments include the American Rescue Plan. The Inflation Reduction Act. The CHIP Act. The PACT bill. The first gun-reform bill in decades. The Infrastructure bill. The historically successful Covid vaccine rollout. Twelve-million new jobs, a record. Inflation down to 3% from 9%. Gas prices back under $4 from over $5. Prescription drug cost reduction. A strengthened NATO and unprecedentedly united Western Alliance against Putin while helping Ukraine wage its successful defense against Russia.</p> <p>And what about Trump? He&rsquo;s a pathologically-lying sexist, racist, antisemitic, xenophobic, homophobic, corrupt, treasonous sociopath. A Putin and Kim Jong Un-loving dictator-wannabe who orchestrated a deadly insurrection at our nation&rsquo;s Capital, refused the peaceful transfer of power, is twice-impeached, four-times indicted on 91 felony counts, is facing four federal and state trials in the next 18 months, was found liable of sexual assault, and has promised voters nothing but grievance, revenge and an end to democracy.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>