I Don’t Grieve Trump’s Hatred, I Grieve His Supporters’ Hatred

<p>My Trump-supporting neighbors, family members, and former friends think it has been but my sadness really has nothing to do with him. From the very beginning he&rsquo;s just been a spotlight. Over the past few years, he has simply revealed clearly the hidden ugliness of the place I call home and the people I live here alongside and that is the thing I grieve over. And this is not the mourning over a singular political loss a few years ago, it has been a daily and pervasive grieving; a bleak, protracted funeral.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/equality-includes-you/i-dont-grieve-trump-s-hatred-i-grieve-his-supporters-hatred-88eb61a27182"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Grieve Trump