Stop Treating Elon Musk Like Trump

<p>Putting aside the fact that I cannot think of a least fun person to watch a World Cup Final with than Jared Kushner, Musk&rsquo;s subsequent Tweets were as normal and straightforward and dull as you&rsquo;d expect anyone&rsquo;s to be from a World Cup Final: There is something depressing about the world&rsquo;s richest person spending his time at such a glorious event staring at his phone. It didn&rsquo;t strike me as that big of a deal: Rich guy goes to rich guy event.</p> <p>But later that day on CNN &mdash; before Musk posted his should-I-step-down-at-Twitter poll &mdash; the network ran a long segment asking&nbsp;<em>very serious&nbsp;</em>questions about whether it was hypocritical of Musk to post a Tweet revealing his real-time location after spending the last couple of days defending his (very dumb) suspension of several journalists for (supposedly) revealing his &ldquo;assassination coordinates&rdquo; by linking to a site that tracks (via public information) Musk&rsquo;s private jet. And while it probably is a little hypocritical, sure, it was hard to miss the subtext of what CNN was doing: It was covering Musk as Twitter CEO the way it covered Donald Trump at President. &ldquo;LEADER SAYS&nbsp;<strong>X,&nbsp;</strong>THEN ACTS LIKE&nbsp;<strong>Y&rdquo;&nbsp;</strong>was the fundamental construction of just about every Trump story when he was President. Trump would do something horrible, lie about it,&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Musk Trump