Where Do I Sign Up For the Trump Diet?

<p>Donald Trump walked into the Fulton County Jail weighing well over 300 lbs, and by the time he signed himself in, he had dropped to 215 lbs. How did he do it? Inquiring minds want to know.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:680/1*IT9wwMOzHZTkCf0VQrUxlQ.jpeg" style="height:583px; width:680px" /></p> <p>Every time he enters a jail, he loses weight. When he gave his measurements in Manhattan during his first indictment, he said he weighed 240 lbs, which is also highly questionable. There is one possibility where he starts sweating profusely every time he enters a jailhouse, fearing they won&#39;t let him back out. It&rsquo;s also true that muscle weighs more than fat. I&rsquo;d readilly believe Trump doesn&rsquo;t have an ounce of muscle in his body.</p> <p><a href="https://williamspivey.medium.com/where-do-i-sign-up-for-the-trump-diet-90e6fcfccd89"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Trump Diet