Tag: Perspective

Nvidia GTC 2023 from the Perspective of a Graphics Programmer

It’s an exciting time to be alive, with so much happening in the field of computer graphics. And with Nvidia GTC 2023 concluded last week, a lot of interesting research has been shared with the community. I followed most of the talks about graphics and rendering, and some of the talks on to...

Breaking into Tech: An Entry-level Perspective

Job hunting for entry-level engineers in the current tech landscape can be incredibly challenging. It can feel like all the hard work you put into your degree and skill development is suddenly meaningless. Instead, you become just another resume in a sea of applicants. This situation is all too comm...

The Beauty of Perspective

I learned the power of perspective on a summer day in Oakland a few years ago while breaking up with a boyfriend I really liked. For those two days of back-and-forth messages and gut-wrenching phone calls, nothing else in the world existed. I could barely eat or sleep, couldn’t focus on any of...

Doing The Work for a Fresh Perspective on Caring for My Mom

Just finished reading    In it, she writes, “Along my spiritual path, I often encounter periods of rapid growth and learning. These periods typically follow a difficult situation, decision, or relationship I’m attempting to navigate.” Nothing like a rough pat...

Coffee, Conversation, and Perspective: A Friday Evening Reflection

We engaged in a deep conversation lasting approximately an hour, discussing our career choices, the possibilities life offers, and our satisfaction levels with our current work. This transpired over cups of coffee and indulgent creamy mushroom croissants, or as I affectionately call them, “Qwa...

How Sylvia Plath’s “The Fig Tree” Changed My Perspective on Life

A Poem Changed Me. I was 17 when I first read The Fig Tree. I was just about to graduate school and begin my life. My mind was overflowing with ideas, countries, and careers I wanted to pursue. But the overwhelm of choosing hadn’t yet kicked in. I was spinning around in possibilities, ...

Reframe Your Perspective of Time

Recently, I’ve been reading the book “Someday Is Today,” but I’m still not finished yet. But I found a really fantastic, practical piece of advice that changed my perspective of time. And now, I’m sharing this with you. The author of this book “Mr. Matthew Dick...

Mastering Remote Work and Time Management: A Developer’s Perspective

The COVID-19 Lockdown Challenge When the Covid-19 lockdown began, it was a unique challenge for everyone. The sudden transition from bustling offices to home offices came with its fair share of challenges. Here’s how we navigated through this period: Establishing a Productive Workspace ...

Anatomy & Perspective Art Lesson (From Kim Jung Gi)

Anatomy & Perspective Art Lesson (From Kim Jung Gi) Tür: #drawing Link: https://www.tiptuber.org/courses/drawing/anatomy-perspective-art-lesson-from-kim-jung-gi/?feed_id=1505&_unique_id=6519fc79018b6 Clipped from Super Ani live stream (17/06/20) Link to the full stream ...

The Perspective — Potter Payper’s Verse

‘‘I’d be rich if it ever paid a penny for my thoughts’’. For me, this verse maybe one of, if not my favourite rap verses I have ever heard. Potter Payper invokes and provokes the very thoughts I would be rich from. Every line is a sharp shard of reality cutting, audibly...

A Philosophical and Artistic Perspective on DALL·E2

Thanks to Prof. Yaron Senderowicz and Liav Isaac Shopen for their willingness to be interviewed for this blog post. Intro and Motivation DALL·E2 has been out for a while, and I thought it could be interesting to write a blog post about it from a philosophical and artistic standpoint. As...

Radio Runner Term 5: Perspective VI

The first section of Term 5 is Posing in Perspective. The assignment was to draw at least 10 drawings each from the video list. This unit was a lot of fun because it call came down to illustration, and you know how I love illustration. However towards the ends it felt like a grind to the point ...

How Game Design Might Help Reimagine Rehabilitation Therapy: a Product Designer Perspective

Introduction Have you ever found yourself thinking as a designer, “Oh, there’s no way I’m getting involved in that; it’s too complex for me,” or perhaps, “Why would I, with no prior experience in such a field, be able to even spark some inte...

Industrial Metaverse: A software and data perspective

Anew buzzword percolating in many technical communities is “Metaverse.” The concepts around an emerging Metaverse are some of the most exciting developments in the convergence of business and technology. In this article, I share some of my thoughts on building Metaverse systems and their...

A Guide to the Metaverse With Iraqi Perspective

The term ‘Metaverse’ first appeared in Neal Stephenson’s 1992 science-fiction novel “Snow Crash,” which envisions a virtual reality-based evolution of the internet. In the novel, people use digital avatars of themselves to explore the online world to escape the harsh re...

Is Barcelona For You? An Insider’s Perspective

I’m often asked what it’s like to live in Barcelona. This gem of a city is on many a tourist’s bucket list, but visiting for a week as a guiri (local not-so-kind slang for foreign visitors) and moving here permanently are two entirely different things. If you have the slightest not...

The Importance of the UAE in the Advancement of Digital Art and Web3: A Perspective from Mondoir

Introduction Hello, art enthusiasts and web3 aficionados, this is Amir, also known as Mondoir in the digital realm. As someone deeply entrenched in both the traditional and digital art scenes, as well as a respected thought leader in the web3 space, I’ve had the privilege of witne...

Hi World

Well, back then, in 2018 (yeah, it started long ago, before the COVID-19 storm), I was thinking about what challenges I should take and How to make my life more adventurous (yeah, I am such a competitive person). I want to live abroad with my little family since my big family has always surrounded m...

The Day We Received the Autism Diagnosis: A Father’s Perspective

Inthe city where palm trees sway and the sun salsa dances on the waves, an entire family is going to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. My wife, she’s the sunshine in our home, always with a smile. Our little girl is a bundle of joy with a giggle that lights up the Miami skyline. T...

Policing in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece: A Historical Perspective

Introduction: Exploring the origins of law enforcement in ancient civilizations provides valuable insights into the development of modern policing. In this blog post, we will delve into the historical aspects of policing in ancient Rome and ancient Greece, shedding light on their methods of maintain...

Soul Ties: A Buddhist Perspective on Emotional Connection & Eternal Bonds.

Words and definitions are man-made but certainly needed. At the end of the day, how can we define what we feel and experience if we don’t (literally) put it into words? When it comes to romance, we have invented thousands of words. Soul mates, twin flames, partners, mates, second half, bett...

Islamic Perspective on Modesty

In this post, I will discuss both religious and general perspectives about the purpose of modesty in our lives. There are different religions and they have different perspectives on it even Modesty has different definitions for different people. The definition of modest is someone or something th...

A Muslim Perspective: Why Feel Bad & Depressed After Committing Sin

Why because of The fact that We stated that we committed some very serious sins in the past. we can hear our regret, our remorse, fear as well as our deep sadness in this question is a sign that Allah Almighty wants good for us. It is obvious that we are very sorry and do want to repent. We know ...

Islam’s Perspective on Celebrating Thanksgiving, Birthdays, and other Holidays

Every year, as the holidays approach, the topic of celebrations ironically becomes a central point of arguments and frustration in many Muslim-American households. Often times, there seems to be a generational divide. It’s not uncommon to see the elders of the family arguing that all&n...

I’m Kenough: A Nonbinary Transmasculine Perspective on Barbie

My partner and I planned to watch Oppenheimer the other night, but showed up late to the theater and opted for Barbie instead. I never was a huge Barbie fan. Hot pink gives me a headache, and I remember being annoyed by my Dreamhouse’s painted-on furniture, and feeling insecure because my f...

A Man’s Perspective: The Modern Woman’s Misguided Sense of Worth

As a man navigating the modern world, I often find myself grappling with the evolving landscape of gender roles and expectations. While I acknowledge the undeniable progress towards equality, I also observe a concerning trend among some women: an inflated sense of their own worth. This self-impor...

Mastering The Art of Relationships From an Occult Perspective

The fascinating 7 Essene Mirrors are the “spiritual” mirrors that reveal the reality of each of us on this earthly journey. The Essenes, an ancient Jewish sect devoted to spiritual practices, existed between 150 B.C. and 70 A.D. They had a unique approach to understanding our relation...

Letters from San Francisco

There’s lots to see within the Bay Area especially from the perspective of a student of transit. Apart from the usual buses and heavy rail, there’s also the world-famous cable cars. There are even trolleybuses, what they call BRT, and streetcars stopping in the middle of the road! The...

Automation in the Truck Driving Industry: A Driver’s Perspective

In today’s fast-paced world, automation is rapidly transforming various industries, from manufacturing to healthcare. One industry where this change is particularly evident is trucking. As we stand at the crossroads of tradition and technology, it’s essential to understand what automatio...

The 2024 Presidential Elections as Seen During the End of January from a Sort of Neutral, Albeit Pacifist, Perspective

First, as to the GOP, albeit only two of the four mentioned remain, I would rank candidates as follows on the basis of danger to humanity and world peace: most dangerous, Nicky Haley (a Biden clone and Deep State shill); then, Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump and Vivek Ramaswamy. Ramaswamy seemed the most...

A Biblical Perspective on Borders and Boundaries

Borders and boundaries have always played a significant role in society, both in terms of physical boundaries and metaphorical divisions. From a biblical perspective, the concept of borders and boundaries holds deep significance, reflecting God’s design for order, protection, and the establish...

Artist Perspective: Why “Political Solutions” to Pressing Problems will ALWAYS FAIL

For those who believe otherwise, I challenge them to find an example of a politician, from anywhere in the world and from any point in history, where there is not some extremely negative bit of information about the politician recorded somewhere. Don’t dismiss what you, personally, might ...

A Gaian Perspective on Politics

“Our strategy should be not only to confront empire, but to lay siege to it. To deprive it of oxygen. To shame it. To mock it. With our art, our music, our literature, our stubbornness, our joy, our brilliance, our sheer relentlessness — and our ability to tell our own stories. Stories t...

Preserving Alberta’s Native Trout: A Genetics Perspective

Alberta’s eastern slopes are not only a haven for outdoor enthusiasts but also home to a rich diversity of fish species. This includes three species at risk: Athabasca rainbow trout, bull trout, and westslope cutthroat trout. Ensuring the genetic integrity of these species and t...

What is an idea? A philosophical and scientific perspective

One of the key elements that have driven the human race forward ever since the very first civilizations up until the industrial and digital revolution have been the ideas that we as humans have come up with. Every one of us has heard quotes along the lines of “Everything starts with an idea&rd...

The Phenomenology of Reading — A Predictive Coding Perspective

Because of the buzz around ChatGPT, I’ve been thinking about its nature as a generative text predictor and how humans might be similar in some ways. Not because biological circuits in our brains mimic the Transformer architecture (as far as I know, they don’t) but because the brain has b...

Cosmic Perspective With Mark

Astrophotography, Supernova Detection & Social Media Branding Few people can turn their hobby into a tool for public benefit. Mark has done just that by broadcasting his love for Astronomy through public education events. My conversation with Mark covers how he does impactful science commu...

Spiritual Perspective: Is Weed Good Or Bad? Can you get Enlightened?

Research Shamanism, it was the precursor to all magic we have today. All cultures of the world have it. People might say that drugs have never been historically linked to spiritual practice but that’s simply not true. Research Eleusinian Mysteries, Soma, Datura, Peyote, San Pedro, and ayahu...

The Future Through the Eyes of Antropology: An Anticipatory Perspective

Anticipatory anthropology lies at the intersection of three fields of knowledge: cultural anthropology, future studies, and future design. It recognizes that the future is a cultural asset and focuses on studying collective behavior concerning something that hasn’t happened yet: the futur...

ADHD From a Sociological Perspective

I suggested in previous posts that ADHD is really only a “problem” within certain cultures or social structures. Those suffering from ADHD are those who are in a “sit still and do what you’re told” environment such as school and a corporate workplace. Those&nb...

Try Not To Take Yourself So Seriously: Find The Humor and Keep Your Perspective In Life

When we allow the gravity of the situation to overwhelm us, every minor setback can seem like a major disaster, and our problems might appear to be insurmountable. There’s nothing like a good belly laugh to reset my attitude! It’s as simple as changing our perspective and believi...

Why Women Feel like they Can’t Wear the Same Thing Twice

I believe I have a very unique perspective on this having transitioned from male to female. When you have an outsider’s perspective to something, it easier to see the obvious staring you in the face. Admittedly, I was like most men who work in an office. I had bunch of collared shirts albeit l...

Understanding Body Dysmorphia: A Psychological Perspective

The Nature of Body Dysmorphia Body dysmorphia goes beyond mere dissatisfaction with one’s appearance; it involves an intense and irrational belief that certain aspects of one’s body are severely flawed or defective, even when there is little or no evidence to support these beliefs. Co...

Ancient Greek Makeup Techniques: A Historical Perspective

Makeup has been a part of mankind culture for thousands of times, and ancient Greece is no exception. In fact, the Greeks placed a great deal of significance on physical beauty and appearance, and makeup played a significant role in achieving and enhancing this ideal. Ancient Greek women, in part...