The Future Through the Eyes of Antropology: An Anticipatory Perspective
<p>Anticipatory anthropology lies at the intersection of three fields of knowledge: cultural anthropology, future studies, and future design. It recognizes that the future is a cultural asset and <strong>focuses on studying collective behavior concerning something that hasn’t happened yet: the future</strong>. <strong>It explores the visions, beliefs, desires, and fears of different social groups regarding what lies ahead.</strong> This information aims to anticipate possible scenarios rather than predict the future. Anticipatory anthropology focuses on understanding how societies imagine and prepare for the future.</p>
<p>This information can make sense in anticipating changes and designing better products, services, public policies, and even experiences. This discipline emerges as a crucial one in a world characterized by uncertainty and the complexity of volatile and unexpected changes, somewhat like having information to make evidence-based decisions.</p>
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