Understanding Body Dysmorphia: A Psychological Perspective

<p>The Nature of Body Dysmorphia</p> <p>Body dysmorphia goes beyond mere dissatisfaction with one&rsquo;s appearance; it involves an intense and irrational belief that certain aspects of one&rsquo;s body are severely flawed or defective, even when there is little or no evidence to support these beliefs. Common areas of concern include skin imperfections, facial features, body weight or shape, hair, and overall symmetry. Individuals with body dysmorphia may engage in repetitive behaviors such as excessive grooming, checking mirrors, seeking reassurance, or undergoing cosmetic procedures in an attempt to alleviate their distress.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@kie260602/understanding-body-dysmorphia-a-psychological-perspective-281fd29a764e"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>