Hi World

<p>Well, back then, in 2018 (yeah, it started long ago, before the COVID-19 storm), I was thinking about what challenges I should take and How to make my life more adventurous (yeah, I am such a competitive person). I want to live abroad with my little family since my big family has always surrounded me since I had a daughter. I wanna be an example to my daughter that having a kid will not limit your existence.</p> <p>At the same time, my working life needs more refreshment because I have been working in the same company for more than six years, which has created a homogenous pattern of thinking that fixed my mindset. It was not the company&#39;s fault; it was my fault that I seemed overjoyed about the situation. I never spoke to my leader about my goals (which, right now, was my basic fault), I have always been a distributive person during negotiation, I tend to deliver messages that seem to offend my peers, I concluded too quickly, not being attention to detail and my body language was always the same whenever I talked serious or not. Therefore, I should challenge myself.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@amaliabetanovianaanyori/hi-world-7cdc46b80b61"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>