Artist Perspective: Why “Political Solutions” to Pressing Problems will ALWAYS FAIL

<p><em>For those who believe otherwise</em>, I challenge them to find an example of a politician, from anywhere in the world and from any point in history, where there is not some extremely negative bit of information about the politician recorded somewhere. Don&rsquo;t dismiss what you,&nbsp;<em>personally</em>, might consider to be &ldquo;unreasonable claims&rdquo; because it&rsquo;s extremely unlikely that you could muster the necessary evidence to prove whether they are unreasonable or not. Though much is exaggerated in human historical records, the fact&nbsp;<em>is</em>&nbsp;that most people who have risen to positions of power have run afoul of&nbsp;<em>basic ethics</em>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<em>situational compassion</em>&nbsp;in some consequential manner.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>