What is an idea? A philosophical and scientific perspective

<p>One of the key elements that have driven the human race forward ever since the very first civilizations up until the industrial and digital revolution have been the ideas that we as humans have come up with. Every one of us has heard quotes along the lines of &ldquo;Everything starts with an idea&rdquo; but also that &ldquo;the execution is far more important&rdquo;, whether in an academic, business, or any other practical setting, where we recognize the significant impact of great ideas. If we stress their importance, then why do we find it so hard to come up with good or even great ideas, and what separates ideas from the other 60&rsquo;000 thoughts that our brain musters up daily?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@aaronschulze01/what-is-an-idea-a-philosophical-and-scientific-perspective-d9f38c5a407f"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>