Tag: Human

ChatGPT: 3 Areas Where the AI Could Use a Little Human Touch

It’s hard to ignore all the buzz around AI these days. Turn on the TV, open up a tech magazine, or just scroll down your news feed – you’re bound to find mentions of how Artificial Intelligence is “changing the game.” Especially in the realm of chatbots and virtual assi...

That which makes us human

There’s a lot of talk right now about the death of UX, the end of design as a discipline, and how the machines will replace us all. Counterarguments include the current limitations of AI and the unique contributions designers bring to the table, such as: creativity, crit...

Our Enduring Bond: Why Preserving Human Connection Matters in the Age of AI

We’re witnesses in a live show where computers can predict our choices and machines can perform tasks we once deemed exclusively human. With the speed at which this is moving, I can’t help but ask, “Is there still a place for genuine human connection amidst algorithms? At o...

AI and the future of work: What stays 100% human?

AI systems analyze data, recognize patterns, and turn those patterns into output. (Learn more here.) They can mimic our behavior and they can blend what we show them into new combinations, tricking you into thinking something fundamentally new has happened, but AI systems can’t ...

The Creator: New Sci-Fi Film Explores the Depths of Human-AI Connection

I’ve just watched the official trailer for Gareth Edwards’ latest film, The Creator, and I feel both excited and intrigued. The Creator taps into the very essence of our time—a time when AI-enabled tools are a dime a dozen and the looming specter of AI dominance is on ...

Conclusion (Part 4) of “War Becoming Phantasmal: A Cognitive Shift in Conflict Beyond Human Limits”

This is part four of a four part series where I share some current research that I am working on concerning transformation in human conflict (war, defense, security, strategy, and innovation). This likely will end up as a book chapter or an independent article in a journal, but I will shar...

AI and the future of work: What stays 100% human?

AI systems analyze data, recognize patterns, and turn those patterns into output. (Learn more here.) They can mimic our behavior and they can blend what we show them into new combinations, tricking you into thinking something fundamentally new has happened, but AI systems can’t ...

AI and the future of work: What stays 100% human?

AI systems analyze data, recognize patterns, and turn those patterns into output. (Learn more here.) They can mimic our behavior and they can blend what we show them into new combinations, tricking you into thinking something fundamentally new has happened, but AI systems can’t ...

Why We Need to Build Human-Scale Organizations

Bigger, bigger, bigger. Better, right? We’ve lionized big, mega, huge-scale — businesses, institutions, organizations — over medium, small, and tiny. So much so, that for example, American legal and economic thought tends to favour the hugest monopolies, the playing field tilted wa...

Why I Don’t Believe In Universal Human Rights

There are some that have read that title and are now thinking; ‘what kind of bestial savage could possibly reject the notion that certain freedoms and protections are the birthright of every human the world over?’ And I agree that when described thusly, universal human rights are amon...

The Myth of Human Progress

The book “Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals” by British philosopher John Gray is perhaps one of my favorite philosophical books written in the 21st century. But it’s not for the faint of heart. It’s a profound yet challenging book — “challenging&...

Why Human Societies Need to Believe in Myths in Order to Exist

I recently went on a trip to Mongolia. I used their currency the tugrik to buy daily things like Americanos; if brewed coffee exists there I never found it! I also used American dollars for bigger purchases like my guided tour since people tend to trust it more than the local money. I m...

Why We Need to Build Human-Scale Organizations

Bigger, bigger, bigger. Better, right? We’ve lionized big, mega, huge-scale — businesses, institutions, organizations — over medium, small, and tiny. So much so, that for example, American legal and economic thought tends to favour the hugest monopolies, the playing field tilted wa...

Being Human: The 4 Operational Levels

What does it mean to be human? Everyone creates their own meaning in the process of living, but I can tell you this much… There are 4 levels that we can operate on: The Physical The Mental The Emotional The Spiritual Unlocking all 4 levels requires some serious self-dis...

$42-billion Will Give 65 Million Households A Basic Human Right

The world is about to change for 65 million American housholds: they will be getting broadband connectivity for their residences, and will be able to join the connected world! Nearly a quarter of American households today don’t have high-speed internet. At an average of two people per house...

Human Nature And “Things”

We may not like to admit it openly for fear of being judged but money matters. A person with money can be illiterate and rogue but will get respect because money subconsciously buys influence. The moment I discovered this gave me my happiest memory to date. Not because I am greedy or seeking power b...

The Employee Value Proposition Canvas: A Tool for Human Resource Managers

The Australian workforce is currently facing a crisis, with a large number of workers considering quitting their jobs, and many others reporting feeling exhausted at work. Falling unemployment and rising burnout suggest that a change could be afoot. Workers are starting to expect more from thei...

Regret makes us human, but it can also make us better

Have you ever felt regret? If you have, you’re not alone. Regret is a universal emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. It’s a feeling of sadness or disappointment over something that has happened in the past. While regret can be painful, it can also be a powerful...

The Intersection of Art & the Human Psyche: Drawings By Adam Riches

  Adam Riches is a British contemporary artist hailing from Suffolk, whose work examines the human condition through monochromatic portrait drawings primarily done in ballpoint pen. His practice is concerned with the investigation of the human form, and how the manipulation...

Illustrating a more human brand (part 2)

Note: this is part 2 of 2 about the history of Dropbox illustration. If you haven’t read part 1 and you’re interested in the pioneers of Dropbox illustration, click here to read up. Also, if you’re just looking for the list of five lessons learned about illustrating for a b...

Photographing an Alternative To The Human Face

This post was inspired by the article Flora Has Replaced Fauna In My Street Portraiture by GE McKerrihan Let me introduce you to my collection of portraits of my new and dear florae friends I meet during my daily walks. Kroenleinia grusonii Kroenleinia grusonii- Photo by a...

The Human Connection

Portrait photography presents a unique opportunity to understand and showcase representation. Every photographer has a different understanding of what it means to be represented and every photographer approaches representation differently. What elements establish a “human connection”?...

Slogans for human rights actions

Art in itself and the image usually do not need words - the discerning observer will understand the message on their own. When it comes to campaigns promoting human rights, good slogans can, however, help the audience to grasp what the author wants to convey more quickly. Words well used can en...

Review — Testament: The Order of High Human

Testament: The Order of High Human is a fairly ambitious game by a relatively new studio called Fairyship Games. Founded in 2017 by Moe and Joe Naderi, they only released one game prior to their latest release and this release was also this year as Shame Legacy was launched on May 30t...

Nintendo Gift Card Code Generator 2024 No Human Verification

Our Nintendo eShop Gift Card Generator is easy to use, and it will provide you with a unique code to redeem for a free Nintendo eShop gift card. Once you’ve redeemed the code, you will be able to access the free Nintendo eShop gift card and start shopping right away. You’ll be able to bu...

The WHO Updates Air Quality Guidelines to align with Human Health

The WHO update for air quality guidelines is a bold, science-based step towards healthier cities. Based upon reviews of the existing scientific body of literature the over-arching conclusion is quiet clear: air pollution is harmful at any level to humans. The new guidelines set the record straight w...

Traveling to Feel Human Again

This past Friday, I landed back in Boston after a two-and-a-half-week vacation in Ireland. As our plane descended into the lush and rolling lands of this “emerald isle,” I sighed and thought, yes, there actually do seem to be forty shades of green here. My husband is a great...

Don’t Think

Twitter remains a go-to space for reasons I’ve not been able to figure out. But let me try. For one, I get to bear witness to the state of the world as it plays out. And get to see the world and its events through the eyes and hearts of a range of human-shaped beings, from most corners of the ...

The nature and human nature (blog post)

We’ve been visiting the west of Canada, mainly interested in exploring new views, especially the Rocky Mountains, valleys; Alberta, British Columbia are on my itinerary, including cities like Calgary, Kelowna, and Vancouver. Hiking the trails. I’s exhilarating to witness ...

The Biology and Medicine of Endurance Running: Pushing Human Limits

Ultrarunning, an extreme form of long-distance running that typically involves races longer than the traditional marathon distance of 42.195 kilometers (26.2 miles), has gained immense popularity in recent years. Athletes in ultrarunning events cover distances ranging from 50 kilometers (31 miles) t...

Importance of Elements that Governs Future Human Well-being

When I asked to open AI Chat Gpt what are your elements and how do you find it? The answer was this “The elements I primarily draw upon are knowledge, language, reasoning, and contextual understanding. They’re ingrained within my programming, allowing me to respond based on the info...

The Buddhist Account of Human Origins

In the beginning, people were like those from the Rupa-dhatu (Form Realm). In Chapter 22 of the Dīrgha Āgama, the Sutra on the Origin of the World, it is explained as follows. Originally, people did not possess physical bodies like today’s humans; there were no individual differences due ...

Does Bhagavad Gita Say That ‘Attachment’ is the Root Cause of Human Suffering?

Let us take the case of a girl who is constantly thinking of her boy friend. — She develops attachment to her boy friend and wants to possess and marry him. The boyfriend refuses to marry her and this gives rise to ‘anger’ as unfulfilled desire. Delusion and confused m...

The Hidden Spiritual Language of the Book of Numbers (PaRDeS) — The Evolution of the Human Soul

The concept of Pardes in Kabbalistic and Jewish thought offers a deeper framework for interpreting the Hebrew Bible through multiple layers of meaning, particularly the Books of the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Numbers). This approach, deeply rooted in mystical traditions an...

Daniel 7: Is the Son of Man Divine, Human, or Both?

The ‘son of man’ was the most common title used by Jesus about himself. Was Jesus emphasising he was an ordinary man? Was he claiming to be the Messiah? Or even divine? Son of Man in the Hebrew Bible Bar enosh in Aramaic and ben adam in Hebrew are common terms i...

The Buddhist Account of Human Origins

In the beginning, people were like those from the Rupa-dhatu (Form Realm). In Chapter 22 of the Dīrgha Āgama, the Sutra on the Origin of the World, it is explained as follows. Originally, people did not possess physical bodies like today’s humans; there were no individual differences due ...

Social Media Is Distorting What You Think Human Faces Should Look Like In Real Life

The average 40+ year-old believes themselves to be around 20% younger than they actually are. That means I think I’m 32. I rationally understand I’m not in my early thirties anymore. But honestly, I still expect my face to look that way. Catching myself in the mirror thes...

The human aspect of technology

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a blog where my sole aim is to bash the usage of AI and ML technologies. I love playing around with image-generation tools like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion. But in that sentence alone I have already captured a part of what I mean. I wrote ‘I love ...

Stop Calling Them “Human Shields”

Earlier this week, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) launched two attacks on the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza. The first attack, on Tuesday, allegedly killed Ibrahim Biari, one of the organizers of the October 7 terrorist attacks. The second strike, on Wednesday, allegedly killed Muhammad A’sar...

Hey Ohio! Look at You, Protecting Human Life.

If this doesn’t blow your hair back, I’m not sure what will. I’m from Ohio, a notoriously conservative state that has been, along with 21 other states, edging closer and closer to bringing Margaret Atwood’s The Handsmaid’s Tale to life. I had a friend in el...

SCOTUS’ leaked decision ignores half the human race

  POLITICO  leaked a draft decision on May 2 that makes it clear the Supreme Court plans to overturn Roe v Wade. What’s enraging is that women’s health, freedom, and autonomy over our own bodies isn’t mentioned anywhere. The decision is rife with assumptions...

The Fate of Women Human Rights Defenders: A Take on the UN Panel Discussion

This discussion is particularly topical given women HRDs (alongside environmental activists) were the activists most at risk of being killed in 2022. They are specifically the targets of smear campaigns and of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). Not only are they targeted in this way in the pub...

Do we still have to care about human rights now that Human Rights Day is over?

Happy International Human Rights Day! (It was December 10 — we missed it because there’s nothing “human” about human rights anymore, it seems). Meanwhile, I’m choking on my own sarcasm. The irony of “Human Rights Day” is killing us. Yes, it’s litera...

5 Truths About Dating & Relationships For Projectors (Human Design)

If you read my previous blog, “What It Means To Be A Projector In Human Design,” then you’re already familiar with the concept of waiting for an invitation. First of all, do NOT initiate anything. Acting out of fear, loneliness or desperation will repel people. There’s not...

How to Protect your Energy for each Human Design Type

YOU DO NOT need to get swept up in your conditioned patterns if you don’t want to in your relationships. The stress and burnout of the Holidays, for instance, is due to acting out of your Human Design strategy. Easier said than done — I know! But the more you practice and fo...

Human Life Does Not Begin at Conception

At the heart of the abortion debate is a religious belief — that life begins at conception. This is not a scientific belief; this is a religious dogma that often religious people try to dress up as scientific. But, it’s not. Naturally, science hasn’t been abl...

The Power of Perceiving and Regulating the Human Energy Field

Have you ever had a gut feeling about something that turned out to be true? Or sensed someone staring at you without even looking in their direction? These experiences are the result of perceiving the human energy field. Our bodies emit energy that we may not even be aware of, and tuning into this e...

We Are Living In the Least Violent Time in Human History

Historians study past violence through paper and ink, but anthropologists study violence through the very marrow of its victims. And bones rarely lie. The bones of truth in this tale are 15 skeletons found in the 5000-year-old mass grave at Koszyce, southern Poland. Each was killed by a blow t...

AI & Law: Human Judges Judging AI Judges

Society seems to have a great deal of fascination with the possibility of having robo-judges. This would seemingly consist of AI systems that are empowered to serve in a judicial capacity as a judge. On the surface, the idea of having AI systems in this quite regal and vital role seems absurd. Ho...

Universal Human Rights for All

Have you ever thought about what basic rights every single person in the world should have just because we’re human? These are important questions that leaders and thinkers have debated for generations. After all of the terrible suffering caused by World War II, representatives from countri...

Impacts of Autonomous Driving Technology on Human-vehicle Interaction and Decision-making

Autonomous driving technology is rapidly growing and has the potential to revolutionize the way we travel. However, this new technology presents several challenges, including how to create human-vehicle interactions that are safe, efficient, and user-friendly. One of the key challenges lies in ensur...

How Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers Can Spot Human Trafficking

This year, we are shining a light on labor trafficking ─ a type of human trafficking in which someone is made to work through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Many people primarily think of sex trafficking as the driving force behind the victimization of an estimated tens of thousands of p...

Empowering Human Rights Defenders: Resisting State Interference

Ihope this newsletter finds you in good health and high spirits as you continue your tireless efforts to protect and promote human rights around the world. Today, I want to shed light on a vital topic that warrants our attention: the significance of resisting state agents who attempt to impede our s...

Migration Is at the Core of the Human Experience

Early on a Monday morning, 51 people assemble at a safe house in northern Mexico. A semi truck pulls up, and the man they’ve paid to shepherd them to America directs them into the trailer. Hours later, they are found dead of exposure, still in that trailer, on the outskirts of San Antonio. ...

The Black History Is Not Complete Without This Name

You know, we all want to leave our mark on history, to be remembered for the choices we make as human beings. Some folks might opt to stay under the radar, not making much noise in their lives. But the thing is, when they’re no longer around, they might fade into obscurity, forgotten by those ...

Becoming a Real Human Being

Today Ilarion is a messenger to the world, and works in sacred ceremony with indigenous peoples around the world , including the Mapuche in southern Argentina, the Tarahumara people in northwestern Mexico in the Sierra Madres, the Haudenasaunee in eastern Canada, the Hawaiians, Yupik Eskimos, Mayans...

Why Human Oppression Happens

This is a story about the worst story ever told. It’s about the story you are told if at the time of your birth it was decided that you should grow up to be a real boy and then someday a real man. This decision was made on the fly, on the basis of a visual inspection of your baby groin. And...

A Lesser-Known Ancient Settlement Revolutionized Human Mobility

Inthe vast grasslands of the Steppes, south of the Ural mountains in present-day Russia-Kazakhstan border, archaeologists, in the 1970s, discovered over twenty settlements dated 2100 BC to 1800 BC. They named the culture after Sintashta, a circular fortified town roughly 140 m in diameter. This o...

Were Humans More Advanced Before Us?

That may be thinking too large. We don’t need to go back millions of years to look for civilizations, or non-human civilizations at that. Our current understanding of human settlements stretches back little more than 10,000 years, yet humans have had the same relative brain capacity, the same ...

Astrometry and Astrology: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Cosmos and Human Destiny

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, celestial bodies have captured human fascination since ancient times. From the rhythmic dance of planets to the distant twinkling of stars, humans have sought to understand the mysteries of the universe and their potential impact on earthly affairs. This quest has ...

The Extraordinary Effort to Plot Every Immune Cell in the Human Body

The world now hosts nearly 8 billion humans, each with a 100 trillion cells. That’s a staggering figure. Thanks to prolific advancements in computing power and unprecedented investments in biotechnology, staggering figures are easily broken down. By using exponentially more powerful c...

Transhumanism: The Next Step in Human Evolution?

Transhumanism, in simple terms, is the idea of enhancing human intellect and physiology using advanced technologies. It’s like adding an extra slice of cheese to your pizza, except that slice is artificial intelligence or biotechnology, and the pizza is… well, you. Transhumanism...

Exploring the Depths of Human Knowledge in Chemistry - Part 2

In the first part of our exploration into human knowledge in chemistry, we delved into the foundations of the science, from ancient alchemy to the modern understanding of matter and its interactions. In this second part, we will journey further into the realms of chemistry, exploring the intricate d...

Health and Human Connectivity

I just got a very welcome call from my doctor regarding my recent annual physical. Good news, straight A’s! Such a relief. How we care for our bodies is the most important thing we can do with our lives. To maximize our human potential, we must stay on top of our health. If caught early eno...

A human condition

Today’s scripture passage from Mark has Jesus making his first appearance in that gospel. It’s not preceded by any other stories of his life. Mark chooses to begin here, with Jesus coming from Nazareth to be baptized by John. It’s not reminiscent of an infant baptism you might h...

Mapping the Human Enterprise

Hi! I’m Erik Kvam. I’m the creator of Regenerative Decision-making. Regenerative Decision-making is a tool — in the form of a decision-making process — for reversing the planet’s cascading ecological crises and allowing the planet to heal itself. In my last article, ...

How the Octopus May Change Our View of Human Cognition

Are aliens among us? Some marine biologists may be able to convince you that indeed there are. The precocious underwater group of marine creatures known as cephalopods sparks interest and intrigue in every marine field due to their unique and beautiful features. Cephalopods (which include ...

A New Gene Editing Technique Has Treated Its First Human Disease

Doctors are taking the first steps towards solving a massive source of disease that, until now, has seemed out of reach. Our genes, the instructions inside of our cells that dictate how each one of us works, why each one of us is unique, have been untouchable — until now. Britain’s me...

The Rise of Biohacking: Enhancing Human Performance with Technology

In the ever-evolving landscape of human enhancement, a captivating and groundbreaking phenomenon has taken center stage — the rise of biohacking. This transformative movement signifies the convergence of biology and technology, where individuals leverage innovative tools and techniques to opti...

How big is the human genome?

I get asked this question a lot. How big is our genetic code? You know… that DNA blueprint thing… consisting of billions of letters… A’s, G’s, C’s, T’s… present in all of the TRILLIONS of cells in the human body… the thing that mak...

Insights into Human Intelligence

Intelligence is one’s ability to understand and use information to solve problems, make decisions, and learn from personal experiences. It involves cognitive and emotional skills that allow one to perceive the world through critical thinking and constant evaluation, which can help one achieve ...

The ultimate guide to human physiology

At the core of human physiology is the cell, the basic unit of life. Cells carry out essential functions such as energy production, metabolism, and communication. The intricate network of cells forms tissues, and tissues collaborate to create organs. Each organ contributes to specific physiological ...

A New Gene Editing Technique Has Treated Its First Human Disease

Doctors are taking the first steps towards solving a massive source of disease that, until now, has seemed out of reach. Our genes, the instructions inside of our cells that dictate how each one of us works, why each one of us is unique, have been untouchable — until now. Britain’s me...

What do you know About The Human Brain?

The brain, that intricate three-pound marvel nestled within our skulls, is the epicenter of our existence. It orchestrates our thoughts, emotions, and actions, weaving together the very fabric of our humanity. Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the enigma of this remarkable organ. Anatomy...

How Much Information Does the Human Brain Learn Every Day?

Information: It’s what for dinner. Between tablets, smartphones, and other digital screens serving up an endless buffet of news, knowledge, and memes directly into our retinas, for better or worse, the future we live in now is but a feast for our eyes– literally. The average...

HUMAN MIND The human mind is an intricate and multifaceted phenomenon that encompasses…

The nervous system, comprising the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves, serves as the body's communication network, transmitting electrical and chemical signals to coordinate various bodily functions and responses to the environment. Sensory neurons convey information from the external wor...

Does consciousness require a functional human brain to be aware of itself?

I’m currently reading the German edition of your book The Transparency of Things. I have one question in my mind, which I even asked Eckhart Tolle but didn’t get an answer. I think he gets too many question to answer them all. Maybe I will have more luck asking you. If the subjec...

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs): The future of human-computer interaction

The history of BCIs goes way back than we expect. In 1924, Hans Berger discovered the brain’s electrical activity and achieved to acquire them with the EEG method. In 1970, National Science Foundation granted the University of California, and research began by computer...

So Hooked Up I’m Not Human

Am I free if I’m chained to my my my my Myspace? Can I fly if if if my face is stuck in my Facebook, or I’m snugglin’ up to look at my Blackberry, chained to my Tivo? Website

Human Behavioral Pharmacology

Introduction Human behavioral pharmacology is a multidisciplinary field that combines elements of psychology, neuroscience, and pharmacology. The primary goal of human behavioral pharmacology is to understand how different substances can affect the brain and behavior. Pharmaceutical weapons te...

The Human Zoos of Europe & America

We’ve all visited a zoo at some point in our life. Either your parents or your school took you there. It doesn’t matter how old you are, seeing a zebra or a lion in its simulated habitat is always entertaining. But that fun is lost when some gruesome facts unfold. These animals are kept ...

The wild history of human sacrifice

Human sacrifice has been a thing for ages. Whether it’s to please a king, gods, or just to get rid of a pesky neighbor, one thing’s for sure: a good ol’ heart-stealing, skull-splitting sacrifice gets the job done. Let’s take a look at how different societies used to willingly...

The diet of our ancestors: what tapeworms tell us about human evolution

The worms attach to the wall of a person’s small intestine via those hooks you can see on the right. Once there, they absorb nutrients potentially growing to be many meters long. All the while, they are producing eggs. These are carried out into the environment in the person’s stool and ...

The Evolution of The Human Cyborg

In, “The Process of Evolution, Human Enhancement Technology, and Cyborgs”, Woodrow Barfield argues for two different types of technological evolution that has been displayed by humans, first biological technology, and second, cultural technology. He describes biological technology stemmi...

Human situations need to be over-explained [or killing a joke as an anthropologist]

There is a joke I heard in Turkish-speaking circles when people want to ridicule sciences in general or any serious attempts to understand what human is. It goes like this: A group of academics get stranded out in a rural area. They find a village nearby, and a villager graciously offers to host ...

Let’s Crack the Code: AI and the Puzzle of Human Behavior

In simple terms, studying AI is like a double adventure — one into tech stuff and the other into the mysterious ways of humans. The more you dig in, the more the lines between them blur, leaving you wondering if AI and human behavior will ever do a dance of understanding. To sum it up, if y...

Putting the human in Human-Computer Interaction: The role of anthropology in the development of interactive design systems

Being a UX/UI Designer with a background in cultural and social anthropology, I oftentimes find myself encountering the question of how I made “the leap” from anthropology to UX/UI Design. Naturally, having learned what I learned and knowing what I know, I would simply respond with: &ldq...

Religion-Impact on Human Behaviour

Religion is a universal human interest, influencing a wide range of social parameters, moral ideals, and beliefs, and affecting human reasoning and conduct by offering answers on the significance of human presence. Religion is not only limited to Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism, or ...

The Tug of War Between Technology and Genuine Human Connection

In the arena of human interaction, technology has emerged as a formidable player, reshaping the fabric of our social dynamics. It is a force that promises unprecedented connectivity and opportunity, yet it casts a long shadow over the value of authentic, face-to-face communication. We find ourselves...

The Museum of Human Rights

That’s what we Winnipeggers call the Museum of Human Rights, that giant monument to the vanity of the Aspers. Some people call it the Museum of Tolerance, after the old South Park episode. It might be a little cruel, but Manitobans are cynical people. It’s the winters, I think. Surviv...

Where Is The Upper Human Limit On Care, Compassion, And Empathy?

This is extremely emotionally complicated, because all the component parts are. If you’ve been the victim of a sexual assault, that in and of itself is complicated and most people cannot understand what that might be like. If you’ve been falsely convicted (or even accused) of s...

Technology and Human Connection, A Reflection

The internet impacts relationships by forming them, sustaining them, and sometimes replacing them. By “replacing” them I mean that the internet has become a tool used to substitute real-world interactions with digital ones, which has changed the nature of friendships/relationships. Durin...

“Love is Blind”: A Symptom of Post-Covid Isolation and Human Connection?

In light of the recent release of Season 6 of Netflix’s “Love is Blind”, I decided to rewatch the viral experimental dating show that captivated audiences since first airing in 2020. What I found — other than premature “I love you’s” and a healthy dose of...

Cultural Influences on Behavior: The Impact of Society and Tradition on Human Psychology

Culture is more than just a set of traditions and customs; it’s a lens through which we view and interpret the world. It affects how individuals perceive themselves, others, and their interactions with the world. From the collectivist societies that emphasize group harmony to the individualist...

Breaking Down the Basics of Human Anatomy: A Beginner’s Guide

The human body is an incredible machine, flawlessly designed to perform countless functions that keep us alive and thriving. But have you ever stopped to wonder what’s going on underneath the surface? Understanding the basics of human anatomy is a fascinating journey that unveils the intricate...

Considering the Human Element of Professional Sports

Professional athletes are human beings, too, and the uncertainty of their careers can have a real impact on their personal lives. A fact that many of us have chosen to overlook ESPN has an online tool that has become a bit of a cult classic among basketball fans. It is called the NBA Tra...