Where Is The Upper Human Limit On Care, Compassion, And Empathy?
<p>This is <em>extremely </em>emotionally complicated, because all the component parts are. If you’ve been the victim of a sexual assault, that in and of itself is complicated and most people cannot understand what that might be like. If you’ve been falsely convicted (or even accused) of something, that’s a very unique and emotionally-complex thing. Now bring all these types of people together for a weekend and have them write letters to themselves and whatnot, and the results are tear-inducing.</p>
<p>When I started watching the segment, and subsequently throughout it, my main question was: <em>What is the upper limit of human empathy?</em></p>
<p><a href="https://tedbauer.medium.com/where-is-the-upper-human-limit-on-care-compassion-and-empathy-b2a2ebc9c97d"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>