Tag: Crisis

Can AI Help Solve the Climate Crisis?

Afew weeks ago, a short news story in The Knowledge newsletter caught my eye: “Contrails, the thin white lines you sometimes see behind aeroplanes, account for around 35% of aviation’s global warming impact, according to the 2022 IPCC report. When Google teamed up with American...

Identity Crisis: How Modern Applications Generate Unique Ids

It’s 7:15 am and customer support is swamped. We just got featured on Good Morning America, and a whole bunch of first time customers are bumping into bugs. A customer would fill a shopping cart with items, check out, pay for the items, and then be presented with an order receipt with all the ...

Eric Adams Is Correct ~ Migrant Crisis Will Destroy NYC

Let me tell you something New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to…’ said Mayor Adams in remarks about the influx of tens of thousands of migrants bused to New York having crossed the southern border earlier this year. He’s right, econo...

My Midlife Crisis Theater Break

Today I joined a community theater group for the first time in my life. I have always been a fan of films, in fact, one of my first dreams was to be a movie star. When I grew older and realized I was not attractive enough for the big screen, I didn’t pursue acting or even bother to take a clas...

The Impending Grid Crisis: The Strain of Electric Vehicles

The rapid rise in electric vehicle (EV) adoption has been hailed as a significant step towards a greener future. However, beneath the shiny veneer of eco-conscious transportation lies a pressing issue - the burden placed on our already stressed power grid. While EVs promise a cleaner future, the exi...

Ukraine’s Urgent First-Aid Crisis

Of the many things you might admire about Ukraine’s president, one stands out. It’s his ability to stay focused in speeches and interviews on his country’s most urgent need: weapons. Volodymyr Zelenskky’s message hasn’t wavered since Russia invaded his country in Feb...

Is there really an information security jobs crisis?

In April, Cybersecurity Ventures reported that there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs in 2025. Their research shows that global cybersecurity job vacancies grew by 350%, from one million openings in 2013 to 3.5 million in 2021. The number of unfilled jobs leveled off in 2022...

How to Avoid an Investing Mid-life Crisis

In the paper, “panic selling” is defined as a 90% decline in the balance of an investment account, of which at least 50% was due to the investor choosing to sell off assets. Say you had $100,000 invested, and the stock market went down 20% — leaving you with $80,000. B...

Brace Yourself for the Next Big Global Crisis

Doyou remember 2008? Yes, when the (Western) world was shaken by the economic crisis that took hold of our lives, and we all went bananas with what seemed to be the first economic crisis ever!? (Please… you should watch this:) It’s always funny to see how things unfold fo...

The Decline of Supermarkets — A Sector in Crisis

For decades, supermarkets have been a staple of modern life, offering a one-stop shopping experience for everything from groceries to household items. However, in recent years, the supermarket industry has been facing a crisis of unprecedented proportions. Factors such as changing consumer preferenc...

Is there really an information security jobs crisis?

In April, Cybersecurity Ventures reported that there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs in 2025. Their research shows that global cybersecurity job vacancies grew by 350%, from one million openings in 2013 to 3.5 million in 2021. The number of unfilled jobs leveled off in 2022...

The №1 Trigger for a Midlife Crisis, a Psychologist Says

“Ithink he’s having a midlife crisis,” my client said. She was referring to her partner of 12 years who had started dieting, cycling and piling self-improvement books beside the bed. He’d also become more critical of her and was constantly picking fights over trivial thing...

Four Leadership Behaviors in Effective Crisis Management

Based on more than 21,000 leadership assessments among C-suite executives, the research team at ghSMART have learned that leaders need to cultivate four behaviors in themselves and their teams to successfully manage a crisis: decide with speed over precision, adapt boldly, reliably deliver...

Climate crisis: I am moving away from wall art — my new medium is glass

The words behind my choice of medium for art. Intrigued? Want to know more? Apprehensive? Feel like sharing your thoughts in the comments, read the article first. Contemporary art refers to art that is products by artists of today. The art response to a changing global environ...

An Extinction Event — Dino Crisis

Twelve days ago Dino Crisis 3 celebrated its 20th birthday. If you’ve forgotten about it, I can’t say that I blame you. The game was a radical departure from earlier entries, so much so that it could have been from an entirely different series. This, coupled with the daft decision to ...

Rent increases exacerbate Barcelona’s housing crisis.

Despite having an excellent career and residing in Barcelona for 21 years, Luis Jard was never able to afford to move up the housing ladder. When he first moved to the city, his rent made up 20% of his take-home pay; however, if he had just renewed his lease, the payments would have consumed approxi...


In recent years, Barcelona has faced a significant financial crisis that has affected the club's operations and ability to compete at the highest level. Photo by Fikri Rasyid on Unsplash The roots of the crisis can be traced back to several factors, including overspending on player tra...

Housing Crisis in Dublin, Ireland

There are many factors that have contributed to the housing crisis in Dublin. One of the main factors is the lack of affordable housing. Property prices in Dublin have risen significantly in recent years, with the average house price in the city now over €400,000. This has made it increasingly ...

Brooklyn neighborhood trying to answer city’s migrant crisis

Juan Carlos Ruiz spends most Thursday nights at his church. Bone-white and vaulted, slender and Germanic, in many ways the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn reminds Ruiz nothing of his native Mexico with its heavy and ornate Catholic, cathedrals. But his parishioners do. By 7pm...

Prague — 5 great things to do on a budget

Currently, in the middle of the corona pandemic crisis, it might not be the right time to travel unfortunately. Last year I was on a little eurotrip and one of the places I visited was Prague in the Czech Republic. If you’re sitting at home watching Triple X and dreaming about where to go next...

The temperature of the crisis in Israel remains high

The summer heat in Israel is not subsiding. The “temperature” of the country’s political life remains just as high. According to the latest data, more than half a million people have already joined the demonstrations against the current government (with the country’s populati...

Why Japan is Currently Facing a Demographic Crisis

Japan, a country rich in history, has recently experienced a tech boom, pushing the boundaries of what is possible, and developing groundbreaking technologies and products that have captured international markets. Sony, Pokemon, and beautiful art are just a few things that transcend Japanese cult...

Mathematics Meets Climate Crisis: PIMS’ Approach to Sustainability.

With the impending climate crisis, many Canadian institutions, organizations, and individuals are taking decisive steps toward creating a sustainable future. One such organization is the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) — a consortium of western Canadian universities and ...

The Canucks Have a Crisis Where No One Saw One Coming

If someone told you a year ago that center would be a position of major concern for the Canucks without anyone getting injured, you never would have believed them. Hell, if someone told you that two weeks ago it probably would’ve sounded absurd. How could a team featuring Elias Pettersson, ...

Are we heading towards a global food crisis?

The UN Panel of Experts on Climate Change, following the 2016 Paris Agreement, was tasked with assessing the relationship between land use and global warming of the Earth. Recently this Panel has released its conclusions that make one thing clear: many things must change about how humans o...

A Top Secret Cold War Project Reveals Climate Crisis Clues

InMay 1959, the US initiated the construction of an ice base, Camp Century, in northwest Greenland. Framed as a scientific project to test snow tunneling tech, in reality, it had military motives: the Iceworm system, a way to hide 600 nuclear missiles trained toward the Soviet Union, which woul...

Critters in Crisis: How Livestock Contributes to the Decline of Amphibians

Imagine cresting a small rise and looking out over an endless flat expanse of prairie. Unlike the cornfields of today, this land isn’t all one color; it is a fantastic mosaic of hues and textures, of grasses and forbs, of tussocks and pools. When the wind blows across this quilted landscape yo...

The Silent Crisis of Africa’s Endangered Great Apes

With a combined global population estimated between 519,000 and 688,000, all non-human great ape species (gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and Asia’s orangutans) are either endangered or critically endangered on the IUCN Red List and CITES Appendix 1, suggesting that there is a significant ...

The Year the Climate Crisis Arrived

The travel and investment communities, as well as all of society, must no longer ponder questions of “what if?” or “when?”; 2024 will be the year for reckoning with the question “now what?” JetBlue Ventures in the past has not classified Tomorrow.io, one of our...

Climate Crisis: Unveiling the Top 15 Warmest Years on Record

It may come as a surprise, but the fifteen warmest years on record all happened in the last 18 years. 2020 and 2016 are statistically tied as the hottest years since record-keeping began in 1880! But they will likely lose the infamous spot in the next five years. Last week, I was on holid...

Gaza’s wounded face difficult choices: A sobering look at humanity in crisis

As Israel’s latest military offensive in Gaza enters its 12th week, hospitals there are overwhelmed with more than 54,500 injured civilians — many facing agonizing decisions no person should ever have to make. While doctors work tirelessly to save lives under impossible conditions, s...

“She — Cession:” Housing & Employment Crisis

I was re — housed with a different person who was in recovery. She seemed legit by virtue of a background check…that is until my room was raided for my clothes, my tax return, lock out of my Venmo and being blamed for a wine bottle placed by someone else on my refrigerator shelf&hel...

A Year After an HR Crisis, Microsoft Employees Say They’re Still Waiting for Change

OnMarch 20, 2019, a Microsoft employee who had been at the company for three years sent an email to a collection of listservs for women at the company, asking how to move up in the organization. She had worked for years without a promotion, and said that her career had been limited because she was a...

The Female Gen X Midlife Crisis

This comment got me to thinking about my own midlife crisis (I actually had two) and whether I passed into the first without a cabaret song and dance. I kinda did. I decided to go to university for the first time. I was thirty-seven years old, and my mind was bored. I had been on a spiritual and ...

From Crisis to Confidence: Why Both Partners Should Master Household Finances

Many of you reading this may be tempted to dismiss the notion that this article holds any relevance in modern times, be that it is perpetuating sexist stereotypes. The truth, however, is that despite the progress we’ve made towards gender equality, many households still operate along tradition...

How Prevail Helps to Combat the Court Reporter Crisis

When the study was first conducted, 70% of stenographers were already over the age of 46 years old. On average, 1,120 stenographers were retiring each year with only 200 new stenographers entering the workforce to take their place. This resulted in an annual loss of 920 court reporters. In order ...

Do Justice: The Yemen Crisis in 2021 — and every other crisis, before and since

The purpose of this essay, written in 2021 about the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, is a review of history. The crisis in Yemen back then was the result of United States military intervention as it backed the Saudis. Weapons made in the USA and sold to Saudis killed innocent civilians in Yemen just a...

Mapping Our Social Change Roles in Times of Crisis

I am a rapid responder but over the past few weeks as the coronavirus pandemic has spread across the world, I have felt disoriented and lost. In the wake of 9/11, I built my rapid response muscle, and over the past twenty years, I’ve relied on it to spring into action and respond to crises by ...

The Midlife Crisis of the 2033 Sedan-X

Roll up, folks! We’re taking a comically bumpy ride into the future, precisely ten years from now. Ah! The year 2033 — the air smells of silicon, our refrigerators can shop for groceries, and our cars can take us anywhere while we sleep off a hangover in the back seat. Yes, it’s a ...

The U.S. Immigration Crisis Makes Me Ashamed to Be American

I walked up to the Catholic Charities/Red Cross building in the deep west side of midtown Manhattan unsure of what to expect. There were lines of recently arrived migrants, all appearing exhausted and scared, but determined. An employee brushed past me in the hallway on the phone, “He needs to...

Challenging the refugee “crisis”

However, what all of these sources disagree on is what the crisis is. Is it the situation in the home country which influenced migrants and refugees to move, like war or famine? Is it the sheer numbers of migrants and refugees traveling through countries not their own, sometimes referred to in co...

President Biden can and must Resolve America’s Immigration Crisis

No pundit can predict what heated issue will dominate the presidential and congressional elections in 2024. However, aside from the Supreme Court making a historic decision to eradicate another established freedom, like marrying who you wish, regardless of gender or race, migration will remain a nat...

A conversation about the border crisis

Did you see that Texas and 15 other states are picking a fight with the US Government over immigration policy? Yeah I did. I don’t blame them. The federal government has totally dropped the ball on the immigration issue. Oh I completely agree. The US immigration system is a giant mess. A...

The shocking reality of the Dutch asylum crisis

Estimates suggest that 70,000 new asylum seekers will arrive this year, an amount three times higher than the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) has said that it can handle, and far beyond the country’s capacity to shelter. Many of the temporary accommodations set up in ...

Facing The Thresholds Of Crisis In Iraq and Afterwards

In the aftermath of the bombing, all that Frank Glen could think about was returning to New York. He could not push the images of the destruction from his mind, and he looked at Stephanie Lancaster and Maxwell Matheson, who sat beside him, and they seemed more disturbed than he did. There were strea...

The Infinity Crisis

Think of a piece of Jell-O, hanging out there, jiggling on a table. You obviously don’t picture it as being made of atoms; you just think it’s a continuum of uhh…Jell-O stuff. You think it’s infinitely subdivisible and has no gaps. It’s what the most of us (at least th...

The Neurohacking Crisis: A Real World ‘Dark Mirror’

As I have attempted to author this article, I have been subjected to elevated levels of illusory auditory and psychosocial abuse; greater levels of neuromodulatory-induced fear, anxiety, lethargy and depression; the dampening of my cognition; the sudden onset of nausea or an inability to stay awake;...

The Crisis of Ecology and the Crisis of Meaning

The world is beset by a dual crisis. One is commonly known and well understood. The delicate balance of Earth’s natural ecosystem has been severely disrupted by human activity, and the capacity of this system to sustain itself is under threat. The crisis of ecology, or the environmental crisis...

Making of a Midlife Crisis, Step 3

In Step 2 of this series, I broached the topic of feeling like I’m missing out; a haunting feeling everyone experiences in the throes of a Midlife Crisis. I’ll dig more into that here. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a wrestling star. My dad, brother, and I watched wrestlin...

iPad Kids — The Impending Crisis of Gen Alpha and What we Can Do To Help

This is probably one of the more saturated topics I’ve discussed on Medium, but as an observer from a younger generation, I can’t help but worry about the negative impacts the “iPad kid” trend has been having on the younger generations. For those who are uninformed, the &l...

MedMen Crisis Deepens: Leadership Shakeup as Stock Crashes to Zero

LOS ANGELES — MedMen Enterprises Inc., once considered a cannabis unicorn, may be facing the legendary creature’s fate after a dramatic plunge in valuation and the sudden exit of more key executives. Chief Executive Officer Ellen Deutsch Harrison stepped down January 19 after les...

Barack Obama & the Opioid Crisis

In the fall of 2001, southern Virginia’s US Attorney John Brownlee launched an investigation of Purdue Pharma, a company he believed misled government officials and medical practitioners regarding the potentially addictive nature of its opiate painkiller OxyContin. Short-staffed and without mu...

McKinsey, consiglieri of the opioid crisis

McKinsey has been embroiled in an endless series of grotesque scandals, caught “advising” companies and governments on projects that produced literal crimes against humanity, at scale. Naturally, the company downplays its role in these scandals, insisting that it was mostly involved in &...

The Opioid Crisis Started Because Big Pharma Wanted to Make a Profit

The current opioid crisis that we are facing is another toxic symptom of capitalism gone badly wrong in America. A for-profit medical system puts profits ahead of patient needs, and led to a large number of people being over-prescribed opioid medications which are highly addictive. Pharmaceutical...

How our hackathon project inspired Google to fight the opioid crisis

For those who have never participated in a hackathon, it’s a unique experience. There’s something about the combination of sleep deprivation, junk food, tight deadlines, and a competitive (but collaborative) spirit that gives birth to innovative ideas. Yet, for all their popularity, a...

The Opioid Crisis

What is an opioid? Opioids are synthetic opiates, derived from the opium poppy plant (a natural pain reliever). One of the most common pain medications on the market is prescribed by physicians after patient sustained a physical injury, following surgery many patients have prescribed some sort of na...

A Drug Problem — Fact-Checking Myself on the Origins of America’s Fentanyl Crisis

Congressman Garcia said something meaningful during our interview — that most illegal fentanyl coming into the US is not from illegal immigrants but from U.S. citizens crossing the border legally. So, I dug into it. I have been conflating the two problems because 1. many politicians on...

The Absolute Crisis of Loneliness

When you find yourself in a moment of true crisis and can’t find a single person to give you a hug and tell you that everything’s going to be okay, that’s a serious problem. It’s not a problem with you, even though you probably feel like it is. I understand how absolutely ...

Trans Crisis Management

Over the years as I went through the process of living my life as a transgender woman, I encountered many instances of crisis management. Some of the encounters were funny, some were anything but funny. Several come to mind as I write this post. Probably the most humorous account came at the ill ...