Climate crisis: I am moving away from wall art — my new medium is glass

<p><strong>The words behind my choice of medium for art.</strong>&nbsp;I<em>ntrigued? Want to know more? Apprehensive?</em>&nbsp;Feel like sharing your thoughts in the comments, read the article first.</p> <p><strong>Contemporary&nbsp;</strong>art<strong>&nbsp;</strong>refers to art that is products by artists of today. The art response to a changing global environment, where today we desire cultural inclusivity, technology advancement, and climate sustainability. In that regard, contemporary artists are well-positioned to use their&nbsp;<strong>creativity</strong>&nbsp;to create original art that is&nbsp;<em>conversational, thought provoking, and enlightening</em>.</p> <p><strong>Modern</strong>&nbsp;is the word I use to refer to how the art feels within its community of buyers, collectors and enthusiasts. I often hear</p> <blockquote> <p>&ldquo;I have a modern space and I want something that will fit into my space without taking up too much space.&rdquo;</p> </blockquote> <p>What a requirement!! What sounded like a challenge became a sounding board for creativity. Pulling from eastern cultures and success stories in India and , I see painting on glass as modern and exciting in western cultures. Furthermore, the artistry is positioned to address the current challenge of climate sustainability which can be achieved through upcycling and transformation.</p> <p><strong>Minimalism&nbsp;</strong>refers to stripping down to the bare essentials of life. Practitioners of minimalism are referred to as minimalists. What the minimalist chooses to keep are those items that fit within their accepted limited space, provides energy and tremendous value to their lifestyle. Glass often starts as a high value item, but is often tossed out and disposed of, and in a true sense,&nbsp;<em>clear glass is boring &mdash; no energy, no visual appeal, no conversation, and no inspiration</em>. Its transparency conveys that obvious &ldquo;what you see is what you get&rdquo;, which translates into nothingness.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Climate Crisis