Do Justice: The Yemen Crisis in 2021 — and every other crisis, before and since

<p>The purpose of this essay, written in 2021 about the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, is a review of history. The crisis in Yemen back then was the result of United States military intervention as it backed the Saudis. Weapons made in the USA and sold to Saudis killed innocent civilians in Yemen just a few years ago. Today: same players, different story? The USA is attacking Yemen again. Why are the Yemeni Houthis angry? Because their homeland has been destroyed, with the help of the USA.</p> <p>What is going on today &mdash; as the propaganda machine weaves new spin to add Houthis to the &ldquo;ISIS&rdquo; list &mdash; is the direct result of the United States war machine. Houthis are just trying to defend their neighbors from this inescapable bully. They have nothing left to lose.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Yemen Crisis