Gaza’s wounded face difficult choices: A sobering look at humanity in crisis

<p>As Israel&rsquo;s latest military offensive in Gaza enters its 12th week, hospitals there are overwhelmed with more than 54,500 injured civilians &mdash; many facing agonizing decisions no person should ever have to make. While doctors work tirelessly to save lives under impossible conditions, shortages mean some patients are left with no choice but to sacrifice a limb or risk dying from infection. In this dire situation, small acts of compassion take on profound significance. Through it all, we are reminded of our shared humanity.</p> <p>The besieged people of Gaza have endured shelling, displacement and deprivation on an unimaginable scale. Yet even in their darkest hour, glimpses of hope emerge &mdash; in doctors fighting to treat the severely wounded, and in survivors like Shaimaa Nabahin who refuse to let tragedy define them. Their determination to heal and move forward despite immense suffering highlights our capacity for resilience in the face of overwhelming adversity.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>