Tag: Ancient

Scientists Learn Something New About Ötzi the Ancient Iceman Mummy

Back in 1991, hikers in Italy stumbled upon a mummy in the snow near the border of Austria. It turned out that the person died around 5,300 years before. He became known as Ötzi the Iceman after the valley he was discovered in, and fascination with Ötzi spread wide and far as he captured p...

The Ancient World Imagined

— Have you ever looked up at those unimaginable heights from where constellations, scattered across the boundless sky, send us their distant ancient light? — Joshua asked Louise and Tanita. — Of course! — Louise replied. — Surely, everyone has been captivated by a st...

What modern design can learn from ancient cave paintings

Technology may be evolving faster than ever, but the fundamental way in which we consume information has remained the same. So what can our modern-day methods of visual communication learn from the very earliest forms of human art? Without getting too philosophical, illustration (as opposed to&nb...

Ancient Athens

Now on to the final hoorah of 3 1/2 months travel, bloody lovely but routine and some unpacking was in sight. After getting the metro in I enjoyed the unreal hustle and bustle of Monastiraki Square and Psryi with views of the Parthenonas and Acropolis before planning to the hay. I ended up getting a...

A Stroll Through Ancient Athens

After their initial discussion, Socrates and Hippocrates go to Callias’ house, where Protagoras stays. Here they have to persuade a doorkeeper (‘who, because of the great number of sophists… had taken a disliking to visitors’, comments Socrates (Plato, Protagoras 314d)) to l...

Was Ancient Athenian Democracy a Model to be Followed?

When people argue that democracy is the best possible form of government they often cite ancient Athens as the prime example of “pure” democracy and the ultimate exemplum that other civilized communities and nations should seek to follow. However, there are a number of reasons why the...

Amazing Istanbul. Eight things to do in this ancient city

1. Visit the Hagia Sophia I think, visit of the Hagia Sophia is the most popular item in many Istanbul travel guides. Of course, this museum is one of the first places, that I would recommend to visit for each tourist in the city. Walking through the majestic temple is comparable to traveling bac...

Almendres Cromlech ancient site

The Almendres Cromlech is a collection of 95 granite monoliths. The stones range in size from 10 feet high to smaller stones the size of a chair. Over time, the granite stones have suffered from erosion and the markings on them have faded dramatically. The stones are arranged in two concentric ci...

Gladiators: Warriors of Ancient Rome

Gladiators, the iconic warriors of ancient Rome, captivated the hearts and minds of spectators in the grand arenas of the Roman Empire. These skilled combatants were central figures in the world of entertainment and sport during the height of the Roman Republic and Empire. This article delves into t...

Living Lavish in Ancient Pompeii

Pompeii is one of those places I have always dreamed of going to one day. Its beautiful villas and ghastly stone figures provide a humbling contrast to the life of the Roman Empire. The sudden eruption of Mount Vesuvius, while tragic, has provided a wealth of archaeological knowledge. Excava...

Gladiators in the Arena: Women who braved the bloody sands of Ancient Rome

In the annals of Roman history, arenas are often portrayed as stages where intrepid men faced wild beasts and skilled gladiators dueled to the death in search of glory. However, among the layers of the past, a fascinating and often forgotten chapter reveals itself: the archaeological evidence that s...

The Ancient Army That Fought In The Nude

The ancient armies of Rome often leveraged a military advantage over their opponents by using superior tactics and being clothed in the latest armor. They were equipped with gleaming spears and sharp javelins. Roman legions fought in tight concert with one another leaning on their brother’s sh...

The Sicilian Slave Revolts of Ancient Rome

The slave revolts or First and Second Servile Wars in Sicily during the 130s BC and again in 104 BC were widespread and brutal. Sicily had become a vital agricultural colony for the Roman Republic following the Punic Wars. As such, many Romans and Italians owned property there and used ...

How many slaves were there in ancient Rome?

Slaves were the backbone of the economy of ancient Rome long before Rome became an Empire. Rome was a classic slave state. What was the number of slaves owned by the Romans? It is not easy to answer, if only because Rome itself was quite different at different points in its history, both in terms of...

How Ancient Greek and Roman Art Became the Ideal Model

There is an enduring romance about ancient Greek and Roman culture that has held sway over Western thought for more than five-hundred years. In Renaissance times, artists used original Greek sculptures (or else Roman copies of original Greek sculptures) as their driving inspiration. Later, architect...

What did Ancient Rome look like from above?

Italian architect Italo Gismondi took almost 35 years to create a detailed model of Rome during the time of Emperor Constantine (first half of the 4th century AD). Work on the plaster model of the Eternal City at a scale of 1:250 began as early as 1933 on the personal directive of Mussolini, who dec...

The Magnificent Tapestry of Ancient Rome: A Walk through History

The annals of history recount several glorious empires that have risen and fallen. Among these, the history of ancient Rome holds a unique, timeworn allure. Stretching from 8th century BC to 5th century AD, the Roman Empire modeled the groundwork for contemporary Western civilization. With its...

How did the Byzantines view the Ancient Romans?

The myth of a complete Roman collapse in 476 A.D has been beaten to the ground in the past few decades, as the recognition of the Roman survival in the East as the sole politically legitimate continuation of the Roman Empire countered the traditional assessment of a “Byzantine” rump stat...

A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Into Ancient Rome

By now, all my friends know how obsessed with Ancient Roman history I am — if the Hadrian necklace around my neck wasn’t a major indicator, my Facebook wall is covered in memes about Julius Caesar’s stabbing and the gayness of Ancient Greeks. I don’t see how everyone isn...

Lesser-Known Voices from Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome was not merely a crucible of power but a for the delicate art of poetry. And amid this grand mosaic, a lyrical voice softly yet persistently, the voice of Sulpicia. The only known female poet from the era of Augustus, Sulpicia’s work provides a glimpse into the tender emotions and...

Ancient Rome’s adaption of technology and preservation of advantages against enemies

The Romans didn´t have the most advanced military technology but rather the best methods, and the best methods applied on an industrial scale combined with the capability to quickly learn any methods and technologies used by Rome’s enemies. Below is an image of a reenactment of R...

How many slaves were there in ancient Rome?

Slaves were the backbone of the economy of ancient Rome long before Rome became an Empire. Rome was a classic slave state. What was the number of slaves owned by the Romans? It is not easy to answer, if only because Rome itself was quite different at different points in its history, both in terms of...

Birds Identified In Ancient Egyptian Mural 3300 Years After It Was Painted

More than 100 years ago, a team of archaeologists excavating the North Palace in the Egyptian city of Amarna unearthed a 3,300 year old wall painting of birds and wildlife in a lush marsh that was so carefully observed and skilfully rendered that it is possible to identify the species depicted. T...

Ancient Cities of India: Kashi

Death is a very morbid and feared concept within the human psyche. However, nestled along the sacred banks of the Ganges River, Varanasi stands as a timeless testament to India’s rich history, vibrant culture, and its unique relationship with spirituality, life, and death. The Mahabharata refe...

The Ancient Science Of AUM Mantra

The concept of Kundalini awakening, rooted in the ancient wisdom of India, finds echoes and resonances in various spiritual traditions across the world, reflecting a universal quest for inner transformation and enlightenment. In the traditional Indian perspective, Kundalini is envisioned as a dor...

Mysterious Ancient Texts Unearthed Before Civilization

The origins and evolution of Sanskrit epic poetry in ancient India represent a significant chapter in the history of literature, marked by a gradual development from early Vedic compositions to the elaborate epics known today. This evolution is a journey through various forms of narrative and poetic...

Ancient Texts from India

I just read about a form of Astrology called Nadi Shastra. It evoked my curiosity. Thanjavore in India is renowned for this. Rich and the poor, Famous and the infamous all visit these places to learn about their future. It is said that all they take is our thumb impression. Everything about us is al...

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Wellness: Turmeric the Superfood

Turmeric, a vibrant yellow spice derived from the Curcuma longa plant, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and cooking in many parts of the world, especially in India and Southeast Asia. Its active compound, curcumin, is believed to have various health benefits, making it a popular i...

Ancient Indian Inventions & Discoveries That Benefited The World

There are a lot of discoveries and inventions that happened in Ancient India which most of the people don’t know . Also India has never been given credit for their inventions and discoveries. Here is a list of 15 contributions, made via historic Indians to the arena of technological era. ...

Why “Pedophilia” Was So Normalized in Ancient Greece

Ifyou’ve spent any time on the internet, you’ve probably heard some disturbing justifications for pedophilia. Some claim it’s just another “sexual orientation” that deserves to be added to the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Others claim that it’s a harmless sourc...

Ancient Egyptian Astrology: Find Your Zodiac Sign

Astrology was very important for ancient Egyptians. They used to sharpen their sense of sight by observing the clouds float. This exercise helped them stay focus while gazing at the sky and waiting for advice or guidance from the universe. The twelve zodiac signs were based on the gods and god...

History of Divination Tools Used in Ancient Civilizations

The history of divination is as old as civilization itself. From the simplest methods of reading tea leaves and entrails to the use of complex oracles, humans have always been fascinated by the prospect of gaining insight into the future. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the mo...

Sekhem: A Reiki Alternative from Ancient Egypt

Most people who go exploring various healing methods throughout their spiritual journeys come across reiki as a way to [balance/realign/heal] the chakras, the seven energy centers in your body. By now you probably understand the importance of keeping your chakras aligned or balanced and healthy. ...

Ancient Parrot Bone Unearthed In New Mexico Is From Lost American Parrot

Ancient parrot bones are relatively common finds in archaeological sites in the American Southwest. Many have been identified as coming from scarlet macaws, Ara macao, whose geographic distribution today includes tropical rainforests and savannahs in the southern portions of Mexico and througho...

An Exploration of Religion and Ritual in Ancient Archaeology

Archaeologists have discovered several mysterious artifacts throughout history that have perplexed and fascinated scholars. These objects, often referred to as cult artifacts, are extremely important in many different cultures and communities because they provide insight into the customs and beliefs...

Remnants of Ancient Iran

There are archeological sites worldwide that are known to most of us from a young age. They feature in many stories, and photos of them saturate so many books that their fame proceeds them. A few examples are the Pyramids of Giza, the Colosseum of Rome, the Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu, and Sto...

A War Between Ancient Lemuria and Atlantis?

Deep within the heart of the Hopi oral tradition lies the tale of Kasskara (the Hopi name for Lemuria), a narrative that spans the mists of time. It weaves the spiritual with the terrestrial, the cosmic with the core of human existence. This story, passed down through generations, speaks not just of...

The Ancient World’s Greatest Mystery: Who Were the Enigmatic Sea Peoples?

The message never reached its destination. Ugarit, a great Bronze Age metropolis, was destroyed and its inhabitants massacred. Ugarit wasn’t the only one. During the late Bronze Age, cities in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Mediterranean fell apart. Highly developed societies collap...

If You Believe in Ancient Aliens, Please Rethink

In Erik von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past he espouses the theory that many of the great monuments of the past were obviously beyond the capability of people at the time. He invokes space aliens, because of course he does. The ancient alien theory p...

Finding Ancient Artefacts in the Sahara Desert Using Radar

The Sahara Desert is a vast, arid region in North Africa that covers an area of over 9 million square kilometres (3.6 million square miles). With its size and challenging environmental conditions, exploration in search of ancient civilisations and artefacts has naturally been a little difficult! ...

Ancient tsunami devastated Northern Britain over 8000 BC

Let us start from the beginning: tsunamis are large waves often generated by earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions and impact events. During tsunamis, the large water depths generated cause severe loss of human life and the destruction of infrastructure and crops. Even if one survived the init...

Explaining The Giant Alien Heads of Ancient Egypt

The Amarna period is one of the most exciting and studied times in ancient history. The radical and highly polarizing Pharaoh Akhenaten, during his 17-year reign in 14th century Egypt, instituted a new national religion, a new approach to symbology, and left a massive impact on Egyptian art. Akhenat...

Hobbits to Neanderthals: Coexisting with Ancient Humans

Most people don’t realize we’re not the first Homo genus on this planet. Adding to that, they don’t even know Homo sapiens sapiens lived along side about ten different hominids that look similar to us — some with slightly bigger brains and bodies, and some with slightly small...

Uncovering the Mysteries of an Ancient Egyptian High-Ranking Priest

When it comes to Ancient Egypt, even though a substantial amount of artefacts have been uncovered, what remains hidden under the burning sands is endless, uncountable and unimaginable. The vast Egyptian deserts hold incessant treasures and intriguing stories. Among them is a heartbreaking story f...

Ancient Tylos: Urban Renewal in the Time of Alexander the Great

Dubai, February, 2021. With a laptop in one hand and a pina colada in the other, I wandered around Jumeirah Beach, searching for a sliver of shade under a cabana to hunker down for an afternoon of solitary writing. My gaze lingered on the distant spectacle of Dubai’s Atlantis resort, a mi...

Investigate the Mysteries of an Ancient Civilization at Tartessos

Tartessos emerges from the shadows of prehistory, its precise origins shrouded by millennia of passage. Tartessos, which is thought to have flourished between the 9th and 6th centuries BCE, precedes several well-documented ancient civilizations, complicating efforts to identify its origins. Theories...

Babylon: Ancient Marvel of Mesopotamia

Babylon, an ancient metropolis that thrived in Mesopotamia on the banks of the Euphrates River, is a symbol of the height of human civilization. Babylon’s magnificent architecture, rich cultural legacy, and long history have made a lasting impression on history. Historical Context Th...

The Street Foods Of Ancient Rome

So often when studying the food of the past, a great deal of attention is paid to what the elites ate, particularly when it comes to Ancient Rome. The food of wealthy Romans is well documented, and we even have numerous recipe books from the period to better inform our understanding of Roman cuisine...

Deciphering Ancient DNA

Making sense of ancient human migrations through genetic archaeology is a fun and very challenging task. We are quickly learning that the world was far more complex and interconnected for much longer than we previously thought. The number of known ancient cultures has expanded greatly in recent deca...

Ancient Thrace: Enigmatic Civilization of the Balkans

Located in the south-east of Europe, Ancient Thrace is a mysterious culture that flourished amid the wide-ranging and varied environments of the Balkan Peninsula. The tale of Ancient Thrace is often shrouded in mystery, despite its importance in forming regional history. This invites investigation i...

The Baboons of Ancient Egypt: An ever-present enigma

Egypt is a treasure trove of mummified remains, both human and animal. The vast majority of animal mummies consist of cats, dogs, ibises and birds of prey. They were given to the gods as votive offerings. Many were buried with grave goods similar to those of humans. A small minority were regarded as...

Ancient Parrot Bone Unearthed In New Mexico Is From Lost American Parrot

Ancient parrot bones are relatively common finds in archaeological sites in the American Southwest. Many have been identified as coming from scarlet macaws, Ara macao, whose geographic distribution today includes tropical rainforests and savannahs in the southern portions of Mexico and througho...

Ancient Viruses Might Improve Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is one of those advances that holds great promise, but fulfills that promise in small steps. There have been a few recent successes. For example, CRISPR-based gene therapy for sickle cell disease and β-thalassemia. And a new delivery system to transport custom mRNA int...

Ancient Water Source

Geophys. Res. Lett. (2023) 10.1029/2023GL105178: “Earth’s early crustal water source.” Archean [think really archaic] ‘cratons’ are remanants of the very first continents formed on Earth. But forming these first continents would have required the proper chemis...

7 ways the Earth has changed from ancient to modern times

Our cosmic home, planet Earth, has been through a lot over the past 4.5 billion years. Here are some of its most spectacular changes. Our Solar System formed some ~4.6 billion years ago. Although we now believe we understand how the Sun and our Solar System formed, this early view of our p...

Ancient Aliens: The Great Mayan Disappearance

Tikal was perhaps the largest city of the entire classic Maya period. It really was the signature city of the Maya. It was also one of the last cities to be walked away from. So you get the impression that whatever happened that compelled people to walk away from the cities, Tikal was the last one t...

Ancient Aliens: Atlantis On Antarctica?

Plato learned from the Egyptians that there was once a civilization called Atlantis that existed nine thousand years before his time. Plato wrote about the lost continent of Atlantis in two of his dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, around 360 BC. Historians and researchers have long debated whether ...

Ancient Aliens: Multiple Versions Of Humans

The hominin or hominid branch of the evolutionary tree includes modern humans as well as the extinct human predecessors such as Neanderthal, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and other early intelligent standing primates that have long since vanished. Despite many years of thinking otherwise, scientists a...

Did Ancient Buddhists Use Substances?

In The Secret Drugs of Buddhism, Crowley delves into the potential roles of substances such as cannabis, opium, and other psychedelic substances in certain sects or rituals within Buddhism. Crowley explored how these substances might have influenced meditative practices, visions, and spiritu...

Cannabis Incense in Ancient Israel?

In late May 2020, a team comprised of researchers from the Israel Museum and the Volcani Center, Israel, made a remarkable discovery: cannabis residue upon an ancient incense altar. The study, published in Tel Aviv, demonstrated that through analysis of remains atop two altars fr...

Ancient Alchemy and Humanity’s Psychoactive Odyssey

If a super-intelligent entity has been shaping prehistory, science, and religion then what would be its ultimate goal? Supernatural deities across cultures and continents are closely linked with higher consciousness. Human evolution is likely psychoactive at the core. There is significant evidenc...

Did Ancient Buddhists Use Substances?

In The Secret Drugs of Buddhism, Crowley delves into the potential roles of substances such as cannabis, opium, and other psychedelic substances in certain sects or rituals within Buddhism. Crowley explored how these substances might have influenced meditative practices, visions, and spiritu...

Remnants of Ancient Iran

There are archeological sites worldwide that are known to most of us from a young age. They feature in many stories, and photos of them saturate so many books that their fame proceeds them. A few examples are the Pyramids of Giza, the Colosseum of Rome, the Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu, and Sto...

Time-Traveling Through Ancient Metropolises

Imagine this: You’re a freelance journalist with a penchant for the past, a present-day Indiana Jones minus the whip (and the fear of snakes), embarking on an adventure not to uncover the Holy Grail, but to sip espresso in the world’s most ancient cities. First stop on our historical ...

Ancient Adventures: Missteps and Mysteries in the Dusty Corners of History

In my life of a freelance journalist, every day is a potential adventure. Perhaps slightly less glamorous than Indiana Jones but infinitely richer in real-world experiences. When I’m not dissecting the latest page-turner with my book club or exploring new destinations with my dear parents (...

Strangest Things Found in Ancient Tombs

The Ancient Egyptians, renowned for their grandiose burial customs, filled their tombs with an array of fascinating artifacts, reflecting their beliefs and customs for the journey to the afterlife. 1. King Tut’s Glittering Tomb Imagine stumbling upon a room filled with jaw-dropping treas...

Ancient Parrot Bone Unearthed In New Mexico Is From Lost American Parrot

Ancient parrot bones are relatively common finds in archaeological sites in the American Southwest. Many have been identified as coming from scarlet macaws, Ara macao, whose geographic distribution today includes tropical rainforests and savannahs in the southern portions of Mexico and througho...

How Brutal Were the Ancient Egyptians?

The Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest known civilizations in the world. You might be surprised to know that even back then, they had a system of law and regulation like we do today. Maybe it was not as thorough or consistent, and perhaps even questionable at times, but it definitely exis...

15 Books About Ancient Egypt That Will Turn You Into A Masterful Historian

Envision the banks of the Nile River flowing through the vast desert landscape. You find yourself seated in the warm sand, gazing at the seemingly endless river. As the sun begins to set behind the towering pyramids, the sky turns a vibrant hue of red and gold. Your fellow villagers, adorned with...

Guardians of History: Exploring the Ancient Statues & Reliefs of Angkor Wat

In the heart of Cambodia, nestled within a rich forested area, lies Angkor Wat, a monument of profound historical and archaeological significance. This sprawling temple complex, constructed in the early 12th century under the reign of King Suryavarman II, is a symbol of the Khmer Empire’s g...

Ancient Evidence: The Anunnaki

Ancient Sumer was the oldest civilization in Mesopotamia, now known as Iraq. Researchers believe this was among the first civilizations to appear on Earth. Ancient Mesopotamia had four main kingdoms: The oldest was Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia, and Assyria. This civilization is credited with being t...

How a triumph was celebrated in ancient Rome

The triumph was one of the oldest ceremonies in Ancient Rome. The first triumph, conducted by Romulus, the founder of Rome, is described by the Greek historian Plutarch: “Wishing to lend as much splendor as possible to the fulfillment of a vow he had made to Jupiter, and to delight the citizen...

Pyramids of Atlantis: Unlocking the mysteries of an ancient civilization

Among the most intriguing human legends, pyramids stand for one of the world’s many secrets and enigmas. These enormous monuments, which have a history spanning thousands of years and stunning architecture, have captured people’s attention throughout history and left many unsolved questi...

Did the ancient Romans ever visit America?

Did ancient Romans sail to America? Regularly — of course not. But some relatively recent archaeological findings might testify to solitary and most likely accidental visits by Roman seafarers to the American coast. The Head from Calixtlahuaca. In 1982, a Brazilian diver found two Ro...

Was King Arthur an Ancient Roman?

Who hasn’t heard of the legendary King Arthur, the Celtic leader of Britain? Under his rule, he unified the country and successfully resisted the Saxon invasion. In legends, Arthur is named the son of the Brittonic king Uther Pendragon, raised far from his father under the supervision of the w...

Transportation in Ancient Egypt

In this article, we shall examine the lesser-known narrative of ancient Egyptian voyages. This wondrous civilization has enraptured scholars and chroniclers for ages, and it continues to do so today. Amidst the plethora of inquiries and literary undertakings exploring various aspects of ancient Egyp...

Buried Alive: What Happened When a Vestal Virgin Broke Her Oath of Chastity in Ancient Rome

The Vestal Virgins inhabited a unique space in Roman society. They were the most prominent women in Rome, heavily revered and with privileges no other woman was given. But they also lived with extreme duties and restrictions. Their most famous restriction is obvious from their title: every Vestal wa...

What did the ancient Romans eat?

The most popular dish among the Romans was wheat porridge (puls), prepared with varying degrees of thickness, with or without meat, and with various seasonings. Playwright Plautus called the Romans “porridge eaters” because of their frequent consumption of this dish. In addition to porri...

Echoes of the Ancients: Unraveling the Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations

Welcome to Expedition Echoes, where we journey through the annals of time to explore the enigmatic legacies of ancient civilizations. Join us as we embark on a quest to uncover the secrets of the past, from the towering pyramids of Egypt to the majestic temples of Angkor Wat. Through the whispers of...

Unearthing the Past: A Look Back at the History of Ancient Archaeology

While the word “archaeology” conjures images of dusty digs and Indiana Jones-esque adventures, the study of the past through material remains has a surprisingly long and fascinating history. Though the formal discipline we recognize today emerged much later, humanity’s curiosity ab...

7 Ancient Gym Rituals That Shaped Modern Fitness

Once upon a time, long before the advent of sleek fitness centers and high-tech workout gear, our ancestors were getting their sweat on in ways that might make our modern-day gym routines look like child’s play. From wrestling in the mud to lifting hefty stones, the ancient world had its own u...


The Gregorian calendar is a just minor correction to the Julian. In the Julian calendar every fourth year is a leap year in which February has 29, not 28 days, but in the Gregorian, with the introduction of the “Leap Year Rule”, it was established that “yea...


Starting off this macabre list is crucifixion. This was practiced both in the ancient world and as recently as the twentieth century. It was first introduced by the Assyrians and Babylonians, followed by the Persians, Alexander the Great, and the Phoenicians — who initiated it in Rome in the t...

The Ancient Ruins of Great Zimbabwe: Africa’s Forgotten Kingdom

Nestled in the southeastern hills of Zimbabwe near Lake Mutirikwi and the town of Masvingo, are the ancient ruins of Great Zimbabwe — a monumental testament to Africa’s rich and complex past. This vast stone complex, which covers an area of nearly 800 hectares, is the largest of its k...

Unveiling the Similarities Between Ancient Egyptian and Chinese Civilizations

As we embark on a journey to explore the ancient worlds of Egypt and China, it is essential to understand the foundations upon which these civilizations were built. Both Egypt and China emerged as powerful civilizations around the same time, flourishing between 3000 and 2000 BCE. While geographicall...

Currency in ancient Greece

The value of material goods relies on a consensus-based estimation reaffirmed whenever the possession changes hands, during loot division, prize distribution, or crafting gifts for celebratory occasions like weddings. This worth encompasses both the richness of the material used and the craftsmanshi...

Here are 11-Interesting facts about the Ancient Gandhara Civilization you may never know.

Gandhāra was an ancient region located in what is now northwestern Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan. The region was heavily influenced by Greek and Persian culture and was home to an important Buddhist culture. The area was ruled by the Achaemenid Persian Empire until it was taken over by Alexan...

Ancient Athens Was Not a Democracy

In 507 BC, Cleisthenes, the ruler of the city-state of Athens, introduced a new system of governance: democracy. Never before in history had any nation tried governance by the people on such a large, radical scale. However, while Ancient Athens may have laid the groundwork for future governments to ...

Ancient Cosmology: Vedic Science and the Echoes of Modern Discovery

Often, ancient explanations for celestial phenomena are dismissed as mere mythology. However, the Vedic perspective stands apart. The Big Bang theory, a cornerstone of modern cosmology, finds resonance in the “Big Roar” described in the Bhagavatam. The Bhagavatam (verse 3.10.7) states th...

Learning from Ancient Royalty

What can we learn from ancient practices involving kings and queens that would still be relevant today? First, I think there was deep wisdom in having a division of symbolic relevance between queens and kings. Our choice of symbols strongly influences the culture and national character we end up ...

Life in Ancient Athens

Ancient Athens is often referred to as the birthplace of Western thought. Whilst we have a lot to thank the Athenians for in terms of the invention of education as we know it, critical thinking, science, democracy, technology and architecture, everyday life looked a lot different back then. There we...

The Wheel : From Ancient Origins to Modern Marvels

The invention of the wheel is one of the most significant milestones in human history, revolutionizing transportation, commerce, and technology. While the precise origin of the wheel remains shrouded in the mists of prehistory, archaeological evidence suggests that its development occurred independe...

Most Interesting Facts About Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt was a fascinating and well-studied time period that lasted from 3100 B.C.E until the Macedonians conquered it in 332 B.C.E. Many of us remember learning about ancient Egypt in school; however, there are many interesting facts about this era that you may not have learned. C...

Finding Ancient Artefacts in the Sahara Desert Using Radar

The Sahara Desert is a vast, arid region in North Africa that covers an area of over 9 million square kilometres (3.6 million square miles). With its size and challenging environmental conditions, exploration in search of ancient civilisations and artefacts has naturally been a little difficult! ...

Sailing Through Time — Part II: The Main Ancient Maritime Trade Routes

Some of the core ancient maritime trade routes were those in the Mediterranean — a sea that was the heart of several ancient civilisations and an essential nexus for trade and cultural exchange. The Mediterranean’s relatively calm waters and the abundance of islands and natural harbou...

Causes for Ancient Abandoned Cities

Great Zimbabwe: Built impressive stone terraces and dams to capture and store rainwater, supplying the city even during droughts. Teotihuacan: Constructed hydraulic engineering marvels like the “canal of the dead” to divert water and control floods. Athens: Developed the first aqueduct...

Exploring Ancient Astronauts in Religious Texts: Interpreting the Past Through a Modern Lens

Ancient astronaut theories have captivated the imagination of many, offering alternative explanations for the mysteries of ancient civilizations. One intriguing aspect of these theories is their intersection with religious texts and mythology. From the epics of Hinduism to the creation stories of va...

The 1960's Olympics and the Ancient Art of Bodily Intelligence in Runners

In 1941, Emperor Haile Selassie I, who had been in exile, regained power of Ethiopia. Mussolini’s army had invaded Ethiopia in 1936, and among the items the Fascist army had taken to Italy was the Obelisk of Axum (see photo). The Obelisk was reassembled in the Piazza di Porta Capena in Rome, a...

How much did slaves cost in ancient Rome?

In Ancient Rome, slaves were a commodity with very uneven demand and supply. Unlike wine, wheat, and other products of constant demand, the price of slaves of the same quality (age, health, strength, and skills) could vary greatly, even by an order of magnitude. If the Roman Empire had conducted a v...

Ancient Egypt and the Mystery of the Missing Phallus

Even by the standards of myth, Osiris’ penis went through some epic travails. One day it was there, along with the rest of Osiris’ godly self, as he ruled over Egypt. The next it was gone, as Osiris was murdered by his brother and literally dismembered — chopped into 14 pieces...

The Head Covering As An Ancient Spiritual Healing Technology

A properly fitting head covering creates a natural cranial adjustment! Pressure therapy has been used in a number of medical industries from mental health to occupational therapy called sensory integration therapy or deep pressure therapy. Deep pressure has been defined as the “sensation produ...

What were the beauty standards in ancient Rome?

The male beauty ideal in Ancient Rome was dictated by Roman ideas about proper lifestyle. A young man was foremost a warrior, lean and enduring, with a strong, muscular, and tall build. A middle-aged man was a respectable owner and politician, majestically wearing a formal toga with smooth movements...