Ancient Adventures: Missteps and Mysteries in the Dusty Corners of History

<p>In my life of a freelance journalist, every day is a potential adventure. Perhaps slightly less glamorous than Indiana Jones but infinitely richer in real-world experiences.</p> <p>When I&rsquo;m not dissecting the latest page-turner with my book club or exploring new destinations with my dear parents (yes, we&rsquo;re that inseparable trio you see in holiday snaps), I&rsquo;m leaping headfirst into the past. But not just any past &mdash; the ancient, dusty, and sometimes downright confusing bits of history.</p> <p>And with that thought, today, I want to talk about the ultimate playgrounds for those of us who get a kick out of old stuff: historical sites.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>