Lesser-Known Voices from Ancient Rome

<p>Ancient Rome was not merely a crucible of power but a for the delicate art of poetry. And amid this grand mosaic, a lyrical voice softly yet persistently, the voice of Sulpicia. The only known female poet from the era of Augustus, Sulpicia&rsquo;s work provides a glimpse into the tender emotions and delicate experiences of women in this epoch.</p> <p>While her male counterparts wove about war and bravery, Sulpicia sang of love with a vulnerability that made her voice distinct, if not drowned the chorus of the time. Her lyrics, fragments that survive the&nbsp;<em>Corpus Tibullianum</em>, whisper about her affection for a man named Cerinthus.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/lesser-known-voices-from-ancient-rome-646ed0ca667c"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ancient Rome