If You Believe in Ancient Aliens, Please Rethink

<p>In Erik von Daniken&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past&nbsp;</em>he espouses the theory that many of the great monuments of the past were obviously beyond the capability of people at the time. He invokes space aliens, because of course he does.</p> <p>The ancient alien theory predates the 1968 publication of the book, but it was this book which sent it mainstream. It was turned into a documentary. (The theory appears to have first shown in in the 19th century and we probably have Wells to blame to some degree).</p> <p><a href="https://jenniferrpovey.medium.com/if-you-believe-in-ancient-aliens-please-rethink-44eda672ce4"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ancient Aliens