Investigate the Mysteries of an Ancient Civilization at Tartessos

<p>Tartessos emerges from the shadows of prehistory, its precise origins shrouded by millennia of passage. Tartessos, which is thought to have flourished between the 9th and 6th centuries BCE, precedes several well-documented ancient civilizations, complicating efforts to identify its origins. Theories propose indigenous Iberian cultures, Phoenician ties, and possibly links to the legendary Atlantis.<br /> Tartessos&rsquo; heartland is considered to have been in the Guadalquivir River basin, a lush location in southern Iberia. Tartessos&rsquo; wealth and distinctiveness were aided by its advantageous location, which facilitated trade and cultural interchange with neighbouring civilizations.<br /> Tartessos&rsquo; heartland is considered to have been in the Guadalquivir River basin, a lush location in southern Iberia. Tartessos&rsquo; wealth and distinctiveness were aided by its advantageous location, which facilitated trade and cultural interchange with neighbouring civilizations.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>