Tag: System

A 40-Year-Old US Missile System Just Destroyed Putin’s Ultimate Weapon

While Russia is armed to the teeth with Soviet-era nuclear weapons, they haven’t been Putin’s trump card when it comes to his idiotic invasion of Ukraine. After all, there is very little point in nuking a place you want to eventually control, and doing so would spark World War III with m...

Complete System Design Series — Part 1

Welcome back peeps. We are now starting System Design Series ( over weekends) where we will cover how to design large ( and great) systems, the techniques, tip/tricks that you can refer to in order to scale these systems. As a senior software engineer it’s expected that you know not just ...

Delete Logs in Hacked System

Introduction Welcome to this new article, today I am going to show you how to clean your traces of a hacked computer, to be able to operate without your commands or your actions within the system are recorded in the system logs. To demonstrate this I will use two tools, one is created for use ...

To Be A Great Software Developer —  You Need a System

Software Engineers are expected to churn out work quickly in this fast-paced development world. And let’s be frank. There is a lot of competition out there these days. We have to make ourselves stand out. One way to do that is to churn out high-quality work. One way to consistently produ...

My First Knowledge Management System Failed. Here’s What I Learned

Introduction Many of the people interested in productivity, self-improvement, and personal knowledge management have perfectionist tendencies, myself included. There’s not only a deep desire to nail the perfect system for all our use cases, but to get it right on our first try, in...

Building Obsidian, Tinder’s Design System

When Tinder first launched in 2012, it pioneered a brand new user experience: the Swipe Right® and “Swipe Left”™ features. The app’s simplicity was a big part of what made it so appealing. An early version of Tinder We’ve emphasized building new features a...

System Design Interview : Design a URL shortening service

Today, our focus will be on constructing a URL shortener akin to popular services like tinyurl.com. We will explore various algorithms, discuss their strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately determine which one is best suited for this particular system. Before diving into the technical details, i...

A Better Payment System, Decentralized.

According to Statista, the total transaction value in the digital payments market is projected to reach a staggering US$9tn in 2023. Yet, in this age of blossoming demand for digital payment methods, a formidable contender — blockchain — promised to rival traditional payment systems...

System Design For Beginners: Part I — Getting Started

Whenever you open your favorite Taxi App, book a ride, and enjoy chatting with your friends while the taxi takes you to your destination, you interact with a complex system that operates seamlessly behind the scenes. For many of us, the systems seem almost magical, working as if by invisible hands t...

Our Economic System is Just No Longer Functional

Years ago I read something about the old, high-end Hilton hotels. Apparently, they were each built with an “Atrium” towards the top of the property where the Operations Director or General Manager would live. That always hit me as a bit too on the nose, so to speak: they were literally l...

My First Knowledge Management System Failed. Here’s What I Learned:

Introduction Many of the people interested in productivity, self-improvement, and personal knowledge management have perfectionist tendencies, myself included. There’s not only a deep desire to nail the perfect system for all our use cases, but to get it right on our first try, in...

The Time Sector System — some thoughts and reflections…

I am continuing my little series offering my honest thoughts on different productivity systems that are on offer today. I have previously written about the old Grandaddy of all productivity systems — GTD (Getting Things Done) — here. Today I turn my attention briefly to consider Car...

How I’m going to transform the Work System in my Startup.

One of the reasons I want to create a startup is to implement my system in the workplace. I aim to revamp the existing working structure, making it more appealing to employees. By the way, I aspire to remove the term “employee” from our vocabulary. It’s not just about changing the ...

Adding a Wave System

Objective: Add a wave system that increases in difficulty Up until now my enemies have just been spawning at total random. I want to add a wave system that increases in difficulty based off of how many enemies that have been killed. To start off with, I’m going to add a variabl...

Creating a Cooldown System

Creating a cooldown system is a lot simpler than you think. First things first, you need to create your variable within your code so Unity knows what you are trying to do. Typically you are going to have 2 variables that have important roles when creating your cool down; the fire rate which di...

Using animations to make a simple chest system (Godot 4/C#)

Wanna learn how to create simple animations in Godot 4, and how to embed powerful method calls in them to trigger some C# logic at a specific moment in the timeline? Well, in this tutorial, we’re going to see how to implement a little chest system where players can open the chest, and then ...

Simple Obstacle Avoidance System

|| Introduction to the problem Hi and welcome, I should preface this by saying that the mathematics going into this post has been simplified for easy understanding and proving formulae and theory is not going to be talked over. Welcome to another post, I’ve been meaning to talk about thi...

The Metaverse Needs An Operating System

If you’re an old git like me you’ll remember heading to the newsagent, slapping down some coins, and running home to code a game by hand from the pages of a computer magazine into a Sinclair Spectrum or Amstrad CPC-464 in BASIC or machine code if you were (un)lucky. (if you’re e...

Metaverser Clan Ticket System

In Metaverser, a realm where imagination knows no bounds, clan members have an exciting opportunity to earn rewards through a simple yet engaging feature — the “Send Ticket” button. This blog will dive into the details of this feature, outlining the benefits, limitations, and ...

Writing my own game recommendation system

Have you ever finished a game and found yourself at a loss for what to play next? I certainly have. I recently finished playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and I was looking for some recommendations for my next game. I couldn’t find a good recommendation system online, so I decide...

Mastering Databricks System Tables

Established by the minds behind Apache Spark, Databricks has positioned itself as a cornerstone in today’s data-driven world. It seamlessly integrates data science, engineering, and business on a unified platform. Thanks to collaborative spaces and its integration with Delta Lake, Databricks e...

Databricks System Tables — An Introduction

System tables in Databricks serve as an analytical repository for operational data related to your account. They offer historical observability and can be highly useful for tracking various aspects of your Databricks environment. Currently, Databricks provides system tables for audit logs, billable ...

Implementation of an E-Commerce System on AWS in an automated way using Terraform and Ansible

In a practical project I undertook as a Cloud Engineer, I applied DevOps principles to swiftly develop and deploy an e-Commerce MVP on AWS, accomplishing the task within a remarkable two-hour timeframe. The entire process was automated through the use of Terraform and Ansible, harnessing the power o...

[Mobile System Design Interview] Step by Step Guide to Succeed in Mobile System Design Interviews

Mobile system design interviews can be more intense than they initially sound. To excel in these interviews, you need to take control and not let the interview steer you. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to dominate your mobile system design interviews and make them feel like a w...

DevOps in Linux — fork() System Call

How to Create a New Process? The system call for creating a process is called “fork”. Why would starting a new process be called “fork”? In Linux, to create a new process, an existing “parent process” must invoke the fork() system call (https://github...

Increasing System Security Using Powershell

Introduction Windows PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language designed especially for system administration. Built on the .NET Framework, Windows PowerShell helps IT professionals and power users control and automate the administration of the Windows operating system a...

Sysmon: How To Setup, Configure, and Analyze the System Monitor’s Events

Sysmon, short for System Monitor, is a utility tool developed by Mark Russinovich, as part of the Sysinternals suite. The utility is registered in a Windows box as a system service and a device driver, which in sync, help log activities across the environment to the Windows Event log. Just...

The Growing Importance of School Management System in Dubai, UAE

In the vibrant educational landscape of Dubai, the quest for excellence in academic administration has become more pressing than ever. The pivotal role played by technology in shaping the future of education cannot be overstated, and at the forefront of this transformation stands the School Manageme...

Stress and Issues in Hong Kong’s Education System

Today I’d like to talk about a troubling issue that’s been on my mind — this idea of “winning at the starting line” that’s prevalent in Hong Kong’s education system. It refers to the extraordinary lengths parents go to give their kids a head start in educati...

L.A.’s Crazy Freeway System

On the night of June 23, 1997, champion boxer Oscar De La Hoya drove his brother’s Mercedes on the 605 Freeway near Whittier. He was in the fast lane when the car stalled. He maneuvered to the left shoulder but couldn’t find his cell phone. The California Highway Patrol recommends you st...

Montréal Has a New Transit System

I’ve been watching the gestational period for a new electric light rail system with interest. On August 1, 2023, the REM — Réseau Express Métropolitain — was born, opening to the public after years of construction and testing. It’s a much-needed expans...

ServiceNow Vancouver: System Properties of Note

ServiceNow’s upgrade to Vancouver is coming, and so are some incredible new features. However, there are some pretty important updates you must take note of. Simply must. ServiceNow Vancouver Release The Next Experience: the time has come (..”the walrus said”...

Is the Economic System Incompatible with Climate Action?

Many years ago, I was working in a junior position at a global information services provider. It was a few afters after the Y2K hype had died down and my task was to convert hard copy manuals into electronic versions. Naturally, this had to be done via software and on one particular day, it cause...

I Generate 30% Profit Per Year In The Stock Market — Here’s My System

75% of day traders quit within the first two years. I wish someone had told me this when I started investing in stocks ten years ago. Most investing advice is way too complex and even irrelevant, which scares and confuses many beginners. What you actually need to make profit is far simpler than w...

Rethinking How to Finance System Health

In the story “Which Way to Millinocket,” a tourist is lost on the backroads of Maine and stops to ask a local for directions. After several frustrating attempts to find a route to Millinocket, the local says in resignation, “Come to think of it, you can’t get there from here....

Breaking The Monetary System Safely

Everyone hates this system in one way or another. Whether you can’t afford your rent, you want to scale your business, or you need to pay for your Parent’s medical care because their Social Security isn’t enough. Well… there’s good news, and bad news. The good...

Discrimination throughout the Health Care System

Discrimination is an insidious force that permeates various facets of society, and perhaps one of the most troubling arenas in which it manifests is the healthcare system. While healthcare is considered a fundamental human right, the stark reality is that discrimination persists, affecting the quali...

Most Accurate House System in Astrology House System

While the position of solar system planets in the 12 constellations of the zodiac is real and observable, the positions of planets in houses have been completely invented by astrologers and are not based on astronomical observations. This is why popular website Astro.com only provides two ...


Human body has many chakras but here we have only seven prime chakras. These all chakras have their own area of healing and role in human life. Here I am sharing a piece of wisdom to enlighten the world: BASE CHAKRA OR ROOT CHAKRA: this chakra basically connects us with mother earth & the pow...

The Prison System Is Failing Us

The idea behind the criminal justice system used by most of the world is a simple one. If you break the rules of society, and are proven to have done so, the state punishes you. This is the model of justice I was raised with. It’s simplistic and easy to understand. Bad people commit crimes ...

Rejected Oklahoma plea for death penalty commutation highlights clemency’s changing role in US death penalty system

When the Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board decided not to recommend clemency for death row inmate Richard Glossip, the case highlighted the role clemency plays in the death penalty system. Glossip had asked the board to commute the sentence he had been given for his role in an alleged mu...

WGTE Public Media’s initiative to examine the county’s criminal justice system

TOLEDO, Ohio — There were plenty of thoughts shared during the forum, held a week ago at the Main Library in downtown Toledo. However, that forum didn’t mark the end of WGTE’s community conversation about the issue, which isn’t about politics or division. Rather, an e...

Criminal Justice as a NON-System

In the criminal justice system, there are three divisions. Law enforcement consists of the police force and have the primary focus on crime prevention, crime detection, and apprehending suspects for crimes committed. Next, the judiciary determines the level of punishment based on two simple factors ...

Three Judges Cases : Inception of Collegium System

Appointment and conditions of the office of a Judge of a High Court (1) Every Judge of a High Court shall be appointed by the President by warrant under his hand and seal after consultation with the Chief Justice of India, the Governor of the State, and, in the case of appointment of a Judge other ...

Optimizing Cold Chain Management for Seamless Logistics | SSTech System

Optimizing cold chain management is crucial for maintaining the integrity of temperature-sensitive products throughout the supply chain. Whether it’s pharmaceuticals, perishable foods, or other temperature-sensitive goods, a seamless cold chain ensures that products reach their destinatio...

System Architecture at project44

Whether your shipments and orders are on the ground, on the high seas, or in the air, project44 tracks it using cloud technology. As a consumer, we are accustomed to knowing that our Amazon package is 3 stops away, but that level of visibility is unheard of for warehouse managers, retailer...

Tokyo does not subsidise its transport system!

In an earlier article I discussed Tokyo’s remarkable return to housing affordability in recent decades. I speculated that a cultural tolerance to the ‘messiness’ of intensification could be a factor in Tokyo’s switch to affordable housing following the property boom...

The Asylum System Fails the Innocent in Favor of Criminals

Our asylum laws protect villains while abandoning victims. The botched handling of Abdul Shokoor Ezedi makes this painfully clear. Ezedi, an Afghan national, stowed away illegally in 2016. Twice denied asylum, he secured status only after a 2018 conviction for sexual assault. Last week, this suppose...

Ice Cream as a Metaphor for the American Political System

Neither of the old white guys is exciting to the current pandemic-weary, exhausted electorate. Neither one could manage to get 30% of potential voters to express any enthusiasm about him. And I am not even a little bit surprised. Not in the least. I’m personally disgusted at the thought of ...

An Homage to The Hood

That’s the first freedom. You see, those who were segregated, long ago and by design, have always known how the system works. They knew before many of us who are on social media, peeling through long articles, complex social landmines and discovering real history for the first time, how the sy...

Breaking Down The Reserve System

The Laws of the Creator defined our rights and responsibilities. The Creator gave us our spiritual beliefs, our languages, our culture, and a place on Mother Earth which provided us with all our needs. We have maintained our Freedom, our Languages, and our Traditions from time immemorial. We cont...

The Space we share

lies our solar system, orchestrating in perfection. All of the stars are so worthy to mention, sparkling brightly, beckoning for our attention… as they are our ancestors. From the stars we are an extension. Visit Now

Astrology: Placido System for Houses

Placido Titi (1603–1668) was an Italian Christian monk and astronomer of the Olivetan order, professor of mathematics, physics and astronomy at the University of Pavia from 1657 until his death. He lived and worked in Milan, that at that time was ruled by the family Habsburgs of Spain....

System Catcher, A Novel

Magenta lies on the hood of her car in the cold Connecticut night tracing her favorite constellation, until she can’t. She leans into her boyfriend, “Erwin, Sagittarius. It doesn’t look right.” She starts drawing with her fingers in the night sky. As she follows the stars ...

How many planets are there on average in a star system?

According to the same data, 697 systems are known to include more than one planet, meaning that there is slightly more than one planet on average in planetary systems. However, this does not mean that most star systems in the galaxy have only one planet, nor does it mean that there is only one plane...

If Our Immune System Knew We Had Eyes, We’d Go Blind!

Our immune system is designed to protect the body from infection and injury. It does this by identifying and destroying foreign invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. The immune system uses a variety of mechanisms to identify foreign invaders. One of these mechanisms is the use of...

Do you know these things about yourself?

It refers to the ability of our brain and nervous system to change itself. This change is necessary because whenever we learn something we make new connections of nerves in our brain and nervous system, whenever we do any task the neuron pathway associated to it gets activated and strengthened. S...

Why You Need a Healthy Dopamine System

Trust me. It is immensely important to have a well-functioning dopamine system. In my early 20s, I struggled with addiction which ruined my dopamine system. It was terrible. Nothing could motivate me or bring me pleasure. But why should you care about dopamine even if you might not struggle wi...

The Trisolaran system of the Three-Body Problem could never evolve life

I have been reading the Three-Body Problem trilogy by Chinese science fiction author Cixin Liu which is soon to become a Netflix series. I want to talk about some of the physics in the first book. If you don’t want any spoilers for that book, do not read any further. In the book, a fictiona...

How the Normal Distribution Keeps Crashing The Global Financial System

What is normal? Normal is conforming to a standard; usual, typical, expected. And what could be more normal than the humble normal distribution? The normal distribution, also called Gaussian distribution after German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (the Duke of Mathematicians) is everywhere, f...

Holiday Binge Drinking and Nervous System Damage

The holidays are around the corner, which means lots of parties and celebrations that involve alcohol. Studies show that the average American drinks 27% more alcohol during the holidays than other times of the year. Often people think it’s because everyone is celebrating and having f...

A “secure” system can be the most dangerous of all

Two decades ago, my life changed forever: hearing Bruce Schneier explain that “security” doesn’t exist in the abstract. You can only be secure from some threat. A fire alarm won’t protect you from burglaries. A condom won’t protect you from mass shootings. It seems...

Endogenous Cannabinoid System

The existence and importance of the Endogenous Cannabinoid or Endocannabinoid System, first elucidated in the 1990’s, is now well-established with potential therapeutic Cannabinoid signaling molecules and receptor combinations being studied pharmacologically. If the psychoact...

Shine The Light Founder Eli Brown: “Why we need to take mental health history into consideration in the justice system”

Ihad the pleasure of interviewing: Eli Brown. After struggling with his own mental health and addiction issues, in 2016 Eli Brown founded Shine The Light On, a clothing company designed to bring awareness and a voice to those struggling with mental illness. At just twenty-two years old, he founded S...