My First Knowledge Management System Failed. Here’s What I Learned

<h1>Introduction</h1> <p>Many of the people interested in productivity, self-improvement, and personal knowledge management have perfectionist tendencies, myself included. There&rsquo;s not only a deep desire to nail&nbsp;<strong>the perfect system</strong>&nbsp;for all our use cases, but to get it right on our first try, instead of messily or incrementally. Otherwise, we might spiral or give up in the face of failure or initial resistance. These desires and anxieties often results in spending more time tinkering with and designing the &lsquo;ideal&rsquo; system instead of doing the work we initially set out to.</p> <p>I was one of those people until I bit the bullet and tried to design my own system and just test it, warts and all. Initially it worked, until I began noticing friction accumulating. Wanting to fight my perfectionism, I kept pushing ahead, until the increasing pain points of this workflow caused it to collapse. Despite this, the process was an&nbsp;<strong>incredibly</strong>&nbsp;valuable experience, and one I don&rsquo;t regret. So I want to share my journey of failure and refinement. I&rsquo;ll explain</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>