The Metaverse Needs An Operating System

<p>If you&rsquo;re an old git like me you&rsquo;ll remember heading to the newsagent, slapping down some coins, and running home to code a game by hand from the pages of a computer magazine into a Sinclair Spectrum or Amstrad CPC-464 in BASIC or machine code if you were (<em>un</em>)lucky.</p> <p><em>(if you&rsquo;re even older then you&rsquo;ll remember Assembly and punchcards and god loves you for it)</em></p> <p>Invariably it would never work the first time but for many of us, that was the introduction to software engineering or games development we had. It felt like the golden age of computing, the discovery of turning the words of another language into something magical.</p> <p><strong>Now, frankly, the majority of us are fucking lazy.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>