How I’m going to transform the Work System in my Startup.

<p>One of the reasons I want to create a startup is to implement my system in the workplace. I aim to revamp the existing working structure, making it more appealing to employees. By the way, I aspire to remove the term &ldquo;employee&rdquo; from our vocabulary. It&rsquo;s not just about changing the name; it&rsquo;s about redefining the expectations associated with that term.</p> <p>I have no desire to be a boss (hate this word), manager, or even a leader. My vision is to be an integral part of the team, not just in name but in practice. I&rsquo;m not suggesting that we become a &ldquo;family.&rdquo; In fact, I&rsquo;m not a fan of imposing a family structure on a company. It&rsquo;s a pet peeve of mine (something that is very annoying or irritating me) when someone tells me, &ldquo;We&rsquo;re like one big family here.&rdquo; Let&rsquo;s be realistic &mdash; family values vary greatly from one household to another.</p> <p>Even, some managers themselves struggle with family-related issues, and attempting to transplant those values into a company&rsquo;s structure can be problematic.</p> <p>Stop it!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Tags: System Startup