Stress and Issues in Hong Kong’s Education System

<p>Today I&rsquo;d like to talk about a troubling issue that&rsquo;s been on my mind &mdash; this idea of &ldquo;winning at the starting line&rdquo; that&rsquo;s prevalent in Hong Kong&rsquo;s education system. It refers to the extraordinary lengths parents go to give their kids a head start in education, to the point where kids as young as eight months old are enrolled in enrichment programs.</p> <p>For perspective, let&rsquo;s take a look at Western education systems. Over there, things are generally more relaxed. Early childhood education often involves play-based learning, with kids exploring and learning at their own pace. Formal education usually doesn&rsquo;t start until around six or seven years old.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>