Tag: Indian

Indian painting style with Midjourney

Indian painting has a long and rich history, characterized by various styles and techniques that have evolved over millennia. It serves as an important cultural document, capturing the beliefs, traditions, and daily life of diverse communities across the Indian subcontinent. Major Indian Painting...

Recreating Indian Mahabharata legends by generative AI

“You have the right to perform your duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your action.” — Lord Krishna Generative AI, also known as creative AI or artificial creativity, refers to the use of machine learning algorithms to generate new and original co...


The Indian Female Models have always been in the limelight ever since their very first launch. However, there has always been a lot of difference between the earlier models and the current ones. The latest news is about the rise of female models in the fashion industry in India. There are ...


As in any other part of the world, the career prospects for female Indian models is no different. It is observed that as per the latest data, there are more than ten million models in the Indian scene. This figure indicates a promising future for these models, who till date have not receiv...

Abu Dhabi Indian School (Muroor Street) Review

Our children are the adults of the future. They are going to shape their tomorrow when they grow up. To do that properly, they need to have the right skills and knowledge, so they can contribute to our economy in the next few years to come. The first step to giving children the right kind of learnin...

0543664803 Hot Indian Escorts in Abu Dhabi

Are you looking for Dubai escort service call 0543664803. dubaiescort.services is offering top escort service in Dubai. Find ladies in UAE for incalls or outcalls escort services. Book young and friendly companions 24/7. A huge choice of independent and agency girls in Dubai. PROVIDING YOU BES...

The Rich History and Cultural Significance of Indian Restaurants

Indian cuisine is renowned worldwide for its bold flavors, aromatic spices, and diverse regional dishes. However, beyond the delectable flavors lies a rich history and cultural significance associated with Indian restaurants. From humble beginnings to global recognition, Indian restaurants have beco...

The Delights of Indian Cuisine

Indian cuisine is one of the most popular types of food in Netherlands, with thousands of curry houses in Amsterdam alone. We love Indian food so much that we even have a National Curry Week, which usually runs through the end of November. There are over 10,000 Indian restaurants in the Amsterdam an...

Berlin’s Best Indian Food- by an Indian

Berlin is the European dream when it comes to cheap food with loads of vegetarian options. The kebab selection is simply impeccable too. However, while I might be (definitely am) biased, I think nothing brings comfort and satisfaction like an Indian meal does. I am grateful that Berlin is undoubtedl...

How is a Horoscope Constructed by Date of Birth in Indian Astrology?

The next important step is to determine the exact positions of the planets, lunar nodes, and ascendant (rising) sign at the time and place of birth. To do this, an astrologer will consult an ephemeris — an astronomical almanac detailing celestial bodies’ coordinates for any given date an...

List Of South Indian Restaurants In Abu Dhabi

List Of South Indian Restaurants In Abu Dhabi — Abu Dhabi, a global hub with a high population of South Indians, boasts a vibrant culinary scene that caters to diverse tastes. South Indian cuisine, known for its high nutritional value, ease of preparation, and delectable taste, has found ...

Indian and Cowboy

It is like pretending he is dead. It is deleting his name from an imaginary memory, but not doing it on the phone. When you delete his contact number, it is not too risky to lose the dialogue we had that day when we were talking for hours about the day we had planned to sleep together on a boat in a...

The Evolution of Indian Curry

It was 2014. I lived in Edinburgh. We were close to the month of August - a time when the rain never stops. But the festival-goers were going to be in the city soon. For those of you who don’t know, The Fringe Festival happens in Edinburgh every August. I’d started working in a restau...

The Evolution of Indian Curry

It was 2014. I lived in Edinburgh. We were close to the month of August - a time when the rain never stops. But the festival-goers were going to be in the city soon. For those of you who don’t know, The Fringe Festival happens in Edinburgh every August. I’d started working in a restau...

Rediscovering Rome’s Indian Odyssey

In the heart of ancient civilizations, two grand civilizations — Rome and India, reached across vast distances, captivated by tales and trade. The undulating waves of the sea, which separated these lands, carried more than just merchant ships. They bore tales, myths, legends, and a shared...

Exploring Toronto Neighborhoods - to open an Indian Restaurant

As a part of the IBM Data Science professional program Capstone Project, we worked on the real datasets to get an experience of what a data scientist goes through in real life. Main objectives of this project were to define a business problem, look for data in the web and, use Foursquare location da...

Why Robert Kiyosaki’s Advice is Dangerous for Indian Investors

Robert Kiyosaki is a popular financial author and speaker. His books, such as “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, have sold millions of copies worldwide. However, Kiyosaki’s advice is not always applicable to all investors, especially those in India. Here are a few reasons why Robert Kiyosaki&...

A thing or two about facilitation that I learned from an Indian architect

Significantly, my first encounter with Doshi and his Vastu Shilpa Foundation (The Art of Substance, aka Environmental Design), was not through any of the many architectural discovery tours I undertook in Asia in the 1980s and 1990s. It was through social work. I had been involved with a&nb...

Famed Indian Astrologer Abhishek Joshi Predicts the Future with Uncanny Accuracy

Joshi employs the ancient Hindu astrological Science system of Jyotisha, analysing the planetary alignments and movements to foretell the destinies of individuals and nations. In 2013, Jyotishacharya Joshi stunned India by definitively predicting that Narendra Modi would become Prime Minister at ...

Indian Mythopoetics in A.K. Ramanujan’s Oeuvre: Book Review of “Soma: Poems” by A.K. Ramanujan (Ed. Guillermo Rodriguez and Krishna Ramanujan)

“In August of 1971, in the afterglow of the psychedelic sixties, my father, the poet-scholar A.K. Ramanujan, swallowed a capsule of the hallucinogenic mescaline. … He … popped one [capsule] on a kind of whim. Then he fell asleep. When he awoke, … [o]ver the next twenty-fou...

When an Indian Swami tested the bounds of modern science.

The video began by delving into the rich tradition of meditation in Hinduism, emphasizing its belief in attaining extraordinary powers or “Siddhis” through intense practice. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras outlined eight distinct Siddhis, including Vasitva (control over material elements) ...

Ancient Indian Inventions & Discoveries That Benefited The World

There are a lot of discoveries and inventions that happened in Ancient India which most of the people don’t know . Also India has never been given credit for their inventions and discoveries. Here is a list of 15 contributions, made via historic Indians to the arena of technological era. ...

Sex Tantra: An Indian Intimacy

Sex Tantra, also known as Maithuna, is a profound aspect of Hindu Tantra that involves the integration of sexuality with spirituality. It’s essential to note that this practice should be approached with deep respect, understanding, and under the guidance of a qualified teacher. Here are some r...

Have Indian Muslims Grown Too Intolerant?

Concern over the growing intolerance in some segments of the Indian Muslim community has grown in the past several years. It is imperative to handle this matter delicately. On the other hand, right-wing viewpoints draw attention to certain incidents that have sparked concerns about the possible traj...

Indian Women Being The Best Version Of Themselves In The Workplace

Planning team outings, farewells, cultural events, and ordering food. This is a woman’s job alone. What else are women for? One should be grateful for the visibility that the opportunity gives. This allows your male coworkers to focus on work that helps them grow their careers. If your male bo...


1. Introduction. The object of the Indian Penal Code is to provide a general penal code for India. The Indian Penal Code came into operation in 1860. As per S.1 of I.P.C., it extends to the whole of India, except the State of Jammu & Kashmir. The Indian Penal Code is a substantive law th...

4 Important Indian Court Judgements Related to Strikes

1. No Right to Strike for Government Employees In the case of T.K. Rangarajan v. Government of Tamil Nadu and Others (the Tamil Nadu Government Employees Case), Justice M.B. Shah, speaking for a Bench of the Supreme Court consisting of himself and Justice A.R. Lakshmanan, said...

The Colorful Indian Culture

Color plays a significant role in Indian culture. The symbolism of color controls many aspect in Indian culture, from traditions to cooking spices, from clothes to room decors. The meanings of colors in Indian culture is rooted deep in religions, but it continues to influence people’s consciou...

I Went to America and It Wasn’t Funny

I was 21 years old and it was my first overseas trip. And it wasn’t just another trip — it was a whole three months of living in a new country. And it wasn’t just any other country. It was what dreams are made of. United States Of America. I wasn’...

Do Indian Muslims Have Middle Eastern Ancestry?

Yes. Some of them anyway. I have a few dozen Indian Muslim genetic samples in Harappa format, so figured I’d compare them against their Hindu counterparts to see how they differ. Note that this analysis will not tell us how much Middle Eastern ancestry Indian Muslims have, just if they have...

The Hidden Truth Behind the Giant ‘Hole’ in the Indian Ocean

Ever heard of the Earth’s weakest gravitational pull, located at the heart of the vast Indian Ocean. In this article, we will delve into the scientific explanations provided by leading geologists, Debanjan Pal and Attreyee Ghosh, from the Centre for Earth Sciences at the Indian Institute of Sc...

The Story Of Alexander and the Great Indian Monk

This is a story when the greatest warrior in history was humbled by an unclad Indian ascetic. The story of the undefeated warrior, the son of Zeus, who had commanded the greatest empire in recorded history, met more than his match in the forests of Taxila. This beautiful piece of history, Al...

Why This Indian Island and Its Tribe Are Illegal To Visit

It sounds like the premise of a thrilling new HBO Max TV series… It’s the year 2022 and there exists an island that has remained largely unvisited by humanity because of a fear of the tribal inhabitants that live on it. A fear that this tribe might kill any visitors they see, as they...

11% of the world’s gold reserves are held by Indian households

India’s enduring love affair with gold remains as captivating as ever, with households across the nation safeguarding a treasure trove valued at over $950 billion, equivalent to a staggering 50% of the country’s GDP in dollar terms. This deep-rooted fascination transcends mere economic s...

10 Minute Vegetarian Indian Recipes

Indian cuisine is known for its rich and flavorful vegetarian dishes. However, many people often believe that Indian cooking is time-consuming and requires lots of ingredients. The truth is that there are plenty of quick and easy vegetarian Indian recipes that can be prepared in just 10 mi...

Indian culture and tradition.

India is the land of agriculture. 70% of the total land area is covered with agriculture. Farming is the main occupation here. Over 65% to 70% of people are farmers.Like, farming India is also famous for its culture and tradition too. One of the oldest and the most unique cultures in all over...

Sustainable Fashion in the Indian market

From ‘boujee’ trends to ‘clean girl’ look; the fashion industry is never stopping, and we are here for it! On the other hand, a true fashion and culture enthusiast recognizes the problems of today and works towards building a solution as well as supporting...

30 Best Indian Fashion Designers

India We are Allways Frist In Any Field They Make Provide Of World Best Indian Fashion Designers. Considering the current talent pool, it is probably at an all-time high. Until very recently, we had only a handful of them — we knew each of them by name. However, that’s not the case an...

Why is it impossible to build an Indian luxury consumer brand?

We don’t have a long tradition of craftsmanship and rich history of building excellent products. Our global perception is intelligent and hardworking but not cool or classy. Italy is the home of modern fashion. France mixes fashion with wine. Germany has cars while Switzerland has watches. ...

10 Gorgeous Indian Wedding Shoes for Indian Brides

A wedding is a landmark event for both the bride and the groom. Two beating hearts shall be one. And that’s not all! Two families would be coming together for a lifetime. This event holds great importance in everyone’s lives and leaves a plethora of nostalgia. No wonder brides wish to lo...

Indian Skincare Brands I Love: Personal Favorite Picks

Picture this: a journey through the kaleidoscope of Indian skincare, where age-old traditions meet the latest in beauty innovation. In a land renowned for its spices, colors, and cultural diversity, there lies a treasure trove of skincare secrets. I never noticed when skincare turned into a thera...

Who Speaks Indian? (Part I)

Ask anyone what language they speak in a given major country, and it is typically not a hard question. Italians speak Italian, Swedes speak Swedish, and the Japanese speak Japanese. Most people know that Argentines speak Spanish, and it is broadly true that the language of China is Chinese. ...

Connecting the Dots across the Indian Ocean

The world is even smaller than we know. Follow the words… I’ve always loved languages (which does not correlate to being good at languages!). I love the subtle process of discovery. Words are like breadcrumbs, hinting at a culture and a history that help you better understa...