Rediscovering Rome’s Indian Odyssey

<p>In the heart of ancient civilizations, two grand civilizations &mdash;&nbsp;<strong>Rome and India</strong>, reached across vast distances, captivated by tales and trade. The undulating waves of the sea, which separated these lands, carried more than just merchant ships. They bore tales, myths, legends, and a shared reverence for each other that resonates to this day.</p> <p>To the bustling markets of Rome, India was an enigma wrapped in a shroud of fascination. At the same time, through the poetic lens of Sangam literature, the ancient Tamils viewed Romans as enigmatic &lsquo;<strong>Yavanas</strong>&rsquo;, merchants from distant shores bearing gold and wine.</p> <p>This post embarks on a voyage, tracing how these ancient societies viewed each other, crafting narratives that are both a testament to their trade ties and a celebration of their mutual admiration.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>