Exploring Toronto Neighborhoods - to open an Indian Restaurant

<p>As a part of the IBM Data Science professional program Capstone Project, we worked on the real datasets to get an experience of what a data scientist goes through in real life. Main objectives of this project were to define a business problem, look for data in the web and, use Foursquare location data to compare different neighborhoods of Toronto to figure out which neighborhood is suitable for starting a new restaurant business. In this project, we will go through all the process in a step by step manner from problem designing, data preparation to final analysis and finally will provide a conclusion that can be leveraged by the business stakeholders to make their decisions.</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/exploring-toronto-neighborhoods-to-open-an-indian-restaurant-ff4dd6bf8c8a"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>