When an Indian Swami tested the bounds of modern science.

<p>The video began by delving into the rich tradition of meditation in Hinduism, emphasizing its belief in attaining extraordinary powers or &ldquo;Siddhis&rdquo; through intense practice. Patanjali&rsquo;s Yoga Sutras outlined eight distinct Siddhis, including Vasitva (control over material elements) and Laghima (becoming weightless). Swami Sarvapriyananda of the Ramakrishna Mission then introduced the enigmatic Trailanga Swami, the legendary &ldquo;Walking Shiva of Varanasi&rdquo; from the 16th century. Trailanga Swami, renowned for his supernatural yogic abilities and remarkable longevity (reportedly living to 280), astounded observers by escaping prison twice, levitating over the Ganges for days, and submerging underwater for extended periods without oxygen. These feats, well-documented by Robert Arnett in &ldquo;India Unveiled,&rdquo; defy dismissal as mere myths, supported by firsthand witnesses to his incredible powers.</p> <p><a href="https://rajassatija-muller.medium.com/when-an-indian-swami-tested-the-bounds-of-modern-science-57aef37129e6"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Indian Swami