Who Speaks Indian? (Part I)

<p>Ask anyone what language they speak in a given major country, and it is typically not a hard question. Italians speak Italian, Swedes speak Swedish, and the Japanese speak Japanese. Most people know that Argentines speak Spanish, and it is broadly true that&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/the-shadow/confucius-say-what-the-heritage-and-future-of-chinese-dialects-part-i-bb6935174be8" rel="noopener">the language of China is Chinese</a>.</p> <p>But India, the second-largest nation on earth with big cultural influence and rapidly rising economic power, is different. Over its millennia of history, there was never a single national entity of &ldquo;India.&rdquo; Hundreds of empires foreign and domestic ruled fractions large and small of the subcontinent, until it was finally unified by a British merchant company. India has a complicated past, and a language landscape to reflect it.</p> <p><a href="https://sjquillen.medium.com/who-speaks-indian-part-i-6131362dd09b"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Speaks Indian